The day Luciano Aued felt alive again and also celebrated the president of Chile

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The day Luciano Aued felt alive again and also celebrated the president of Chile

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Luciano Aued has become a point of reference in Chile. Photo: EFE

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Luciano Aued leaves his mark in every place he passes by. He did it in Gimnasia y Esgrima de La Plata, the club where he was born and where he wishes to return to finish his career. He did it in the Academy, from the remembered “Aued taco” which ended with a great goal by Luciano Vietto and began to break the paradigm of “Negative Racing” until the day of 2018 when he said goodbye. In Corbatta and Mozart Avellaneda is adored. And he did it at the Catholic University. How many? Luli arrived and was tournament champion of the Chilean First Division in 2018. A year later, the team won the Chilean Super Cup. And at the end of the year the 2019 First Division tournament. And in 2020 it would be repeated, winning the championship three times on that side of the Andes. The cycle of Luli in the Crusaders was so successful the tri has become tetracampionatoadding another Super Cup in 2021.

But, on January 14 of this year, a worrying information arrived from Santiago de Chile: “Heart studies have gone wrong, you can no longer play football“, heard Luciano Aued from the mouth of a doctor. And she felt her world was falling apart: “It was the worst news since my old man’s death. Again the feeling of emptiness “, Aued recalls that dreaded scene that put him on a path that led him away from football.

In those days, the Catholic University explained what was happening with a cold statement: “This day he underwent a coronary examination (a more in-depth analysis that evaluates the condition of the arteries supplying the heart), associated with an angioplasty procedure, due to alterations found in pre-seasonal preventive examinations“, It was a hard blow for the Argentine midfielder, who last Wednesday, six months later, said so was allowed to resume activity.

A cry from the heart: Luli Aued celebrates a goal in Libertadores.  Photo: AFP

A cry from the heart: Luli Aued celebrates a goal in Libertadores. Photo: AFP

The news later arrived from Chile said that Aued had been removed from the Catholic’s bona fide list for international tournaments, followed by a radio silence that put uncertainty about his future. But last Wednesday the picture changed when the former Racing shared a post in which he told what he had been through all this time and opened the door: he could return to football.

“Here I am, in trouble as since I was a kid who dreamed of playing in the First Division, happy to tell you that I have received the final discharge and I will be able to do what I am most passionate about in life”, Aued published, happy with life.

Aued’s post

“I remember every detail of the scene.”

“Heart studies have gone wrong: ‘You can’t play football anymore'”.

“It’s been over five months since they told me what I never thought I should hear. The worst news since my old man’s death. The feeling of emptiness again.”

“Three days later I walked into the operating room hoping that the problem wasn’t so serious that it took me away from the courts forever. I only thought about one thing: having the ability to continue fighting to do what I love.”

And here I am, in trouble as since I was a kid who dreamed of playing in the First Division, happy to tell you that I have received the definitive discharge and I will be able to go back to doing what I most passionate about in life. “

“I achieved it thanks to the love of Chari and Nadia, the support of my family and friends, your encouragement and the endless support of Cruzados. I have only words of thanks for everyone.”

“I am one of those who believe that life often puts us to the test. For me, like so many people, I have had to face a difficult moment. But I’m back on my feet, with the illusion of the ball as a flag.”

“See you soon where we have always met. See you soon to hug us again.”

Luciano Aued's statement.

Luciano Aued’s statement.

The return of Luli

“I felt like a player again,” said Luciano Aued this weekend. It is that, after six months of inactivity due to a heart problem, Luli is back to play as a starter in the Catholic.

“The only thing I wanted was to enjoy the game, enjoy my teammates, the people who have never left me alone all this time. I wanted to get back on the pitch and feel like a player,” said “Luli” Aued to Chilean press after the victory of the Universidad Católica for the Chilean Cup.

The former Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata and Racing Club was a starter in the team led by Ariel Holan, thus leaving behind a long and worrying inactivity due to a heart problem.

The 35-year-old Argentine was substituted at the end of the match and received a standing ovation from all the crowd present at the Lucio Fariña Municipal Stadium in the city of Quillota.

The return of Aued, the operation he underwent in January, had a strong impact in Chile and was also celebrated by the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, a confessed “UC” fan, who dedicated a message to him meaningful from Instagram.

Aued in a match against Velez.

Aued in a match against Velez.

Source: Clarin

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