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Dives headlong to win a race: the video of the unusual action that surprises the world of athletics

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The impressive definition of Portuguese Athletics Championships It has become a trend in social networks in the last few hours. Not for the incredible speed of their competitors, or for the technical characteristics of the athletes, but for the particular way in which Joao Vitor Oliveira He remained with the victory in the 110 meters hurdles. Portuguese he threw his head into the air to reach the goal.

It sounds like a lie, but it’s true. Oliveirarepresenting the popular SL Benfica club, was fighting head to head Abdel Larrinaga, competitor of Sporting de Lisboa, the country’s other major institution. The two had a concrete chance to stay with the victory in the final.

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When the Portuguese nationalized Brazilian realized that his rival had a slight advantage over him in the last few meters, he decided to take a risky but effective move. He threw a popcorn leaving the image of a movie and also getting the victory.

Users on social networks exploded with the sequence that immediately went viral. Vítor won with an atypical result at the Dr. Magalhaes Pessoa stadium. He closed the stopwatch 13.83while Larrinaga did 13.86. Three thousandths of a second separated them.

Joao Vítor Oliveira wins a race at the finish line by jumping from popcorn.  Photo: TV capture.

Joao Vítor Oliveira wins a race at the finish line by jumping from popcorn. Photo: TV capture.

It wasn’t the first time

But, to everyone’s surprise, this wasn’t the only time Vítor performed this particular technique. In fact, he had already done it at least twice, obtaining excellent results.

In the Rio 2016 Olympic Games a leap of this style allowed him to organize to semifinals in the 110 meters hurdles.

In addition, in 2019 he also concluded a Portuguese championship race in this way. It seems like skipping popcorn is part of his workout routine. And the Portuguese is not doing badly.

Joao Vítor Oliveira, the Benfica athlete who surprised everyone with his jump.  Photo: Benfica.

Joao Vítor Oliveira, the Benfica athlete who surprised everyone with his jump. Photo: Benfica.

Man is not improvised. When Oliveira seems to risk everything in his races by arriving destabilized by the speed he collects with his legs, he manages to launch in “piletazo” style to cross the finish line before his rivals.

Joao Vítor Oliveira, born in Brazil, joined the Benfica track and field team in December 2017 and after three years acquired Portuguese nationality. In “Las Águilas” he has found his place in the world.

“In the last 3 years, more precisely since I arrived at Benfica, I have stabilized myself as a person and as a man, I have been embraced by the whole structure and, within that, I have managed to give my best. On a professional level, it was the moment when I evolved the most, ”the Portuguese said in an interview. At the moment, his jumps are already a registered trademark that allow him to achieve victories and be a trend on social networks.

Source: Clarin

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