Home Sports The violent blow of the Sarmiento goalkeeper: he broke his nose against the post to prevent the Racing goal

The violent blow of the Sarmiento goalkeeper: he broke his nose against the post to prevent the Racing goal

The violent blow of the Sarmiento goalkeeper: he broke his nose against the post to prevent the Racing goal

The violent blow of the Sarmiento goalkeeper: he broke his nose against the post to prevent the Racing goal

Goalkeeper Meza slammed his head against the post in Copetti’s goal.

Racing could not with Sarmiento de Junín and was four points from the top of the championship, in a match full of controversies and situations that have stopped the development of the match over and over again.

At the end of the first half there was the first controversy of the evening. Enzo Copetti was waiting for a center in the Sarmiento area when the defender Verde, Quinteros, stretches his elbow on the face of the Academy striker who has fallen to the ground. The former Rafaela called for a penalty and referee Echevarría delayed the game until Ezeiza warned him that the contact did not justify a foul.

Later, at the start of the second half, Lisandro López follows a ball that everyone thought lost until the end and, when he puts it in the area, the ball hits Insúa’s hand. Now the VAR has sanctioned the shot from twelve steps and Torres changed for a goal.

Gago reached the bank and the Academy went to look for him. At 30 ‘Mura brings a center on the right and Copetti connects a header that freezes on the post, after an itch. Goalkeeper Meza flew to the left without blocking the ball and slammed his head against the post.

The repetition shows how The young goalkeeper from Sarmiento violently hits the post at the height of the nose and ask for help. The medical staff of the local team entered the field and spent a few minutes trying to stop the blood of the number one. Some time later, the player returned to the game with the obvious consequences left by his attempt to stop the header that ended in Racing’s draw.

Meza’s shocking blow

Source: Clarin


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