Conmebol warned that the Bombonera could be closed if the racist or xenophobic behavior of the Boca fans is repeated. (Photo: Fernando de la Orden)
It seems ridiculous that a sports institution reminds fans of its team not to make racist gestures in a stadium. However, the Boca management must take care of this in the hours preceding the rematch against Corinthians for the round of 16 of the Copa Libertadores. And if he does it, it’s because he has reasons that justify it.
Through a press release published on its website on Tuesday, the club invited fans to reflect “to live with passion Tuesday’s match at the Bombonera, but far from any kind of racist demonstration”. “Boca, it is worth saying once again, does not discriminate”, underlined the management. Some followers of Xeneize They don’t seem to have that concept so clear.
Last Tuesday, during the first leg of this series, three fans were arrested at the Corinthians Arena after being denounced by fans of the Brazilian team: two of them, Sebastián Palazzo and José Lizarraga, for having made movements with which they intended to imitate a monkey ; the rest, Federico Ruta, for having made the Nazi salute.
Source: Clarin