Gerardo Martino and Lionel Scaloni attend their meeting at Newell’s court.
Gerardo Martinohas been in the eye of the hurricane among Mexican fans for several months. This situation escalated after he was caught at the Coloso Marcelo Bielsa stadium in Rosario over the weekend, which led him to the center of criticism from the Aztec media, which accused him of not having enough engagement with the country or with the players who are fighting for a place in the national team for the Qatar 2022 World Cup.
To make matters worse, according to the Mexican media, everything has been magnified by the photo in which we see Martino together Lionel Scalloni. Both Santa Fe coaches who will share a group in Qatar. The bond that unites them is that they were Leprosy companions in the 95/96 seasonwhen Scaloni was taking his first steps as a player, while Martino was already at the end of his career.
Despite having qualified in second place for the World Cup – on equal points, but with a lower goal difference than Canada – and was champion of the Concacaf Gold Cup in 2019, the Pope does not collect a great consensus among the fans and the press. Perhaps, the runners-up in the League of Nations in the 2019/2020 season and in the 2021 Gold Cup were factors that generated mistrust and that the Argentine process was seen sideways.
Emanuele titus Villa, a former Argentine footballer with a great career in Mexico, is currently a media analyst in that country and has hit Rosario hard. It is a total lack of respect for the whole country, not just for the players. He should be here, watching his players closely. Demonstrating that commitment to bring Mexico to the top “condemned.
All this situation led the same Tri Selection account on the Twitter social network to launch a strong defense of the work of Martino and his technical staff. One by one, he explained that in all the meetings of the weekend in Liga MX there were representatives of the team of the Pope.
“All the matches of the players eligible for the World Cup, both national and international, are analyzed, in person or on video, with the technological tools available to Nationals and Liga MX”he explained the story of the Selection, at the beginning of a thread that he completed with photos.
For now the next commitment of the group Tri it will be a friendly against Paraguay, which will be held on August 31st. Argentina and Mexico will meet for the second date of Qatar 2022 group C on November 26 at the Lusail stadium in Doha.
Source: Clarin