Home Sports El Flaco Schiavi enters the interior of Boca and aims at everyone: discomfort with Riquelme and sticks to Ibarra

El Flaco Schiavi enters the interior of Boca and aims at everyone: discomfort with Riquelme and sticks to Ibarra

El Flaco Schiavi enters the interior of Boca and aims at everyone: discomfort with Riquelme and sticks to Ibarra

El Flaco Schiavi enters the interior of Boca and aims at everyone: discomfort with Riquelme and sticks to Ibarra

El Flaco Schiavi in ​​his time as Boca Reserve manager: he left that role when Riquelme arrived. Photo: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi.

Boca is going through a hectic momentwith the DT Hugo Ibarra who does not find the team and its players making news for their fights rather than their good performances. And in that order, both Juan Roman riquelme As the football board They are not far behind and they have their problems. In the La Ribera club there is crossfire. Now, what came out at the crossroads between Román and his leadership was nothing less than Rolando Schiavianother boquense idol.

El ‘Flaco’, who knew he was in charge of the Reserve before the arrival of the new management, He first spoke in depth about his departure from the club. Today separated from the technical direction, and seated in the panel of F-Team from ESPN, Schiavi looks back and recalled the details of his departure from Boca. He talked about the fight between Benedetto and Zambrano, charged Riquelme and also threw a couple of sticks at Ibarra.

“They kicked me out. I left calmly, I have peace. I would not like to be there, I would like to be at Boca, yes, for all that it is and because you got used to it for the six years as a player and the four that I was like Reserve DT. After they kicked me out, I wanted to talk to Roman and he said no …“, launched the ‘Flaco’.

In addition, the reigning World Champion with the jersey blue and gold He deepened what his departure was, he was hurt by the management’s mistreatment and said: “I left sad, not angry, because you know how it is. New people arrive and it is obvious that there are changes and it is normal for them to choose. for his people. I left sad for how it all happened, for the way I left. I didn’t deserve the way I left. “

The world champion defender with Boca spoke of the mistreatment suffered in Xeneize.  (Photo: Juano Tesone)

The world champion defender with Boca spoke of the mistreatment suffered in Xeneize. (Photo: Juano Tesone)

Furthermore, during his stay in the Boca Reserve, Schiavi had the presence of Hugo Benjamín Ibarra in his team, which does not seem to have ended in the best way. “He accompanied me for four years in the Reserve. He was the second assistant because he didn’t want to be the first. He told me as soon as he arrived, that’s why I chose Bracamonte and then I added Pobersnik. He preferred to see things elsewhere“, commented.

“We have to prepare, I don’t know if he’s ready to be the Boca coach. It’s not easy, surely those who raised him see him have potential, but at the time I was there I tell you he never wanted to be a coach, that’s why I surprised. Over there in these two years he changed his mind, but I always say that we must prepare “, Schiavi insisted.

Crossing of idols in the mouth.  Liquid Slaves Riquelme.  (Photo: Jorge Sanchez)

Crossing of idols in the mouth. Liquid Slaves Riquelme. (Photo: Jorge Sanchez)

And he added: “When I started it was difficult for me and that’s why you take courses and prepare yourself in another way. He didn’t want to direct. Battaglia, on the other hand, had been Almagro’s DT, had been Falcioni’s assistant at Banfield, had another tour. He wanted to be a technician, then what happened happened. Poor Saba …

Like his return to the Ribera, the return of ‘Negro’ also took place during Angelici’s presidency, and that is why Schiavi explained: “Ibarra was nominated by ‘Tano’ Angelici, not by me. I don’t know how he thinks. . Ibarra did a campaign with Angelici, he was a close friend of ‘Tano’ Angelici and then well …“.

The 'Flaco' also spoke of Battaglia.  (Photo: Juan José Garcia)

The ‘Flaco’ also spoke of Battaglia. (Photo: Juan José Garcia)

And so the ‘Flaco’ gave a little more background to his dismissal, the one that aroused so much controversy at the end of 2019. At that moment, Schiavi had made a disclaimer, where he had already been encouraged to speak of ‘disrespect , disrespect and nobody ‘, but without going into details. With the words of him in Team F, the defender clarifies something that was already a secret of Pulcinella: things did not go well in Riquelme.

Interior, struggles and future of the Boca bank

Schiavi was also consulted on the possibility of returning to Boca in the future, even if this time as a DT of the Prima. And he replied: “Not in this scenario because I don’t see things clearly. When you are a manager you like to make your own decisions and do what you think on the pitch. I listen to opinions, but you have your own personality and things would be decided by me. It didn’t allow me to put together a team and all. I don’t know if it happens with Ibarra, I say it because of what we have seen in this time and I would not like it “.

And even though the club already has a TD today, and appears to have a bench from the management, “Flaco” has been encouraged to apply for a couple of coaches, or at least throw flowers to two coaches who know what it is. First, he spoke Carlos Tevezwho is making his first weapons in Rosario Central, and said, “I’m a close friend of Carlos. You have to be prepared and he has to get you right away, I don’t know if I will join him. I have a good relationship.”

Schiavi spoke of Tévez, and of a possible return to Xeneize.  (Photo: JUAN JOSE GARCIA - FTP CLARIN)

Schiavi spoke of Tévez, and of a possible return to Xeneize. (Photo: JUAN JOSE GARCIA – FTP CLARIN)

“After, I really like Gago as a technician. He knows what he wants on the pitch and exhibits it every weekend. He has clear ideas on how to play. In the future I see him as DT of Boca, you have to make a career, but yesadded the Lincoln native.

Finally, “Flaco” did not dodge the great controversies of the moment, and spoke of the inmates of the Boca team. He benched Izquierdoz after his turbulent exit and said: “They sacked Izquierdoz and ‘Pipa’ and Rojo stayed. Izquierdoz was a positive leader, a good leader, he had to leave to defend his teammates.”

Izquierdoz is gone, and Boca has fewer and fewer strong names left.  (Photo by ALEJANDRO PAGNI / AFP)

Izquierdoz is gone, and Boca has fewer and fewer strong names left. (Photo by ALEJANDRO PAGNI / AFP)

“Almendra is still suspended. Things happen when you have to fight for awards and important things, it is not easy. I have had to face heavy presidents and vice presidents where they plant you and you are exposed. If you don’t find a positive answer, they cut your head off, it’s so simple. Today it happened to ‘Cali’, it must have happened to ‘Pipa’ and Rojo, who have to fight for the prize against their colleagues, take sides before the Council and ask for something“.

And when it comes to talking about the struggle between Benedetto and Zambranosnap: “I was surprised, it was not the time. Today, as it is, everything comes to light quickly. I think it was a question of helplessness for what happened on the pitch more than a problem between them. It was crazy to see him. “

The declaration of Boca on the fight between Zambrano and Benedetto.

The declaration of Boca on the fight between Zambrano and Benedetto.

“I don’t know what led to that instance of Pipa to react that way and what happened. What they did is wrong, the Boca shirt is far above everyone, the players, the Council, the executives … A lot happens in training “, Schiavi closed, thus closing some statements that took a few minutes to explode on the net. Today away from the Boca world, “Flaco” has targeted everyone.

Source: Clarin


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