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Tag: aggravates

Macron’s pension reform decree exacerbates the crisis in France

Paris burned Thursday night and France is engulfed in a brutal political and social crisis, with unpredictable results and profound radicalisation . The...

‘The whole building collapsed on us’: Earthquake exacerbates tragedy in war-torn Syria

A steady stream of wounded arrived on Monday at an overwhelmed hospital in the northwestern Syrian rebel-held city of Darkush after the deadly earthquake...

The situation in Peru worsens: the country was born militarized, with a curfew and more than 16 dead

Given the growth of protests by defenders of the former president of Peru, Peter Castillodismissed and held in custody, the new president Dina Bolarte...

The heat wave is getting worse in Europe with record temperatures and more forest fires

The extreme heat, with temperatures reaching 43 degrees in Portugal and 42 degrees in the south of France, with forest fires and which authorities...