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Tag: Alberto

“Deep Throat”: the memes behind Alberto Fernández’s rogue

President Alberto Fernández made another mistake during a speech, this time on the occasion of the launch of the III World Forum on Human...

“Deep Throat”: story of the porn film that Alberto Fernández mentioned in a speech

President Alberto Fernández added another fury to his story and this time, during the launch of the III World Forum on Human Rights in...

Alberto Cormillot explained why he gave his 9-month-old son a private Chinese teacher

The doctor Alberto Cormillo he had a very special Father's Day: fIt was the first time he celebrated with Emiliothe baby she had nine...

Vicentin refutes Alberto Fernández and speaks of “an adventure without leadership or financial capacity”

From Vicentin they refuted Alberto Fernández and believed that the alternative hypotheses to the bankruptcy settlement agreement lead to confusion...

The mystery of Jean-Albert Dadas: the man who couldn’t stop walking and inspired Forrest Gump

Walking is a physical activity recommended by doctors because it is not only good for health, but also regenerates the mind. In ancient Greece,...

From Iran, Nicolás Maduro praised Alberto Fernández for his speech at the Summit of the Americas

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description='The president of Venezuela praised his Argentine counterpart for putting "the icing on the cake" in his speech at the Summit...

Taxes: How many taxes have been created or increased since Alberto Fernández took office

The tax issue was once again at the center of the debate. Finally, this week, President Alberto Fernández and Economy Minister Martín...

Alberto Fernández: “I hope that Argentine entrepreneurs understand the dimension of the problem we are experiencing”

On Tuesday, President Alberto Fernández asked Argentine businessmen to "understand the size of the problem " that Argentina is going through as part of...

Alberto Fernández wants to force Congress to vote on the unexpected rent

Still shaken by the abrupt departure of Matías Kulfas after the escape of a misregister from his portfolio that threatened to thwart the rapprochement...

Duel in the sun: single ballot vs. Alberto in Hollywood

the ruling party Freeze Congress until further notice. In Deputies he leaves the initiative to the opposition, which believes it has the...