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Tag: awareness

Meditation, Mindfulness, and Mental Wellbeing: The Best Apps for Treating Anxiety

He fatigue and the anxiety disorders They affect more and more people of all ages. And although the recommended thing is always see...

Sofía “Jujuy” Jiménez acknowledged that her intimate incident was armed and it was an awareness campaign

Sofia Jujuy Jiménez He returned this Wednesday to the apartment of Barbarossa (Telefe, Monday to Friday at 9:30) to talk about...

José “Pepe” Mujica: “I am nothing more than an old man with the awareness that he is leaving, I belong to a time that...

Former President of Uruguay José Mujica (2010-2015) said during the forum "The social challenge of Latin America", that the challenge that America and the...

Charly Alberti has a new and ambitious project and it is not musical: what is it about

During the first 15 years of Soda Stereo, Charlie Alberti has become one of the continent's most popular drummers, with unprecedented support from brands....

Germán Martellotto and his ghostly participation in Wembley with the 10 Argentines: “I didn’t know what Diego’s shirt was”

Calchín is a city in the Río Secondo department which does not reach 3000 inhabitants. The latest census will tell you exactly....