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Tag: blue raspberry

Justice ruled in favor of Morla against Dalma and Gianinna for the image of Maradona

Matia Morla, last advocate of Diego Armando Maradonais facing Dalma and Gianinnathe daughters the Ten had with Claudia Villafañe, long before the star's death...

Judicial decision in favor of Matías Morla and the sisters of Diego Maradona

In a never-ending story about the legal battle for the brand of Diego Maradona In this regard, the Federal Court of the Southern District...

“Peaky Blinders”: what does “Tickna Mora O’Beng” mean, the gypsy phrase that terrifies Thomas Shelby

Peaky Blinders, the BBC series that is one of the jewels in the Netlix catalog, presented the sixth season in which the dark future...