Tag: candies
IMF warns about inflation: ‘it can fuel social unrest’
After Sergio Massa's efforts in the US to get relief on the external front, the IMF eased demands on reserve buildup by US$1,800 million,...
World News
Yolanda Díaz, the minister who wants to be president of Spain and reveals Podemos
"I go one step further: I want to be the first president of my countryI want to be the first female president of Spain,"...
World News
Ecuador: Guillermo Lasso has confirmed he will face impeachment, although he may dissolve Congress
The president of Ecuador, William Lassohe assured that he will face impeachment before Parliament, which accuses him of alleged embezzlement, as a first option,...
“It is inconceivable that the cost of two pairs of shoes can pay for electricity and gas for a whole year”
Inflation erodes the purchasing power of most wages. Salaries are getting less and less. However, the income of Argentines has one peculiarity....
World News
Chile may become the first country in South America to reach the Moon
Only Russia, the United States and China they've made "soft" lunar landings on the satellite, beginning with the former Soviet Union's Luna 9 mission...
World News
Holy Week 2023: what can’t be done according to the Bible?
During Sunday 2-9 April of the same month, thousands of people around the world will celebrate the Easterin commemoration of the passion of Jesus...
World News
They accuse Donald Trump: 4 questions to understand what happens now and if he can still be president again
A New York grand jury's decision to indict Donald Trump for a $130,000 payment to buy silence of a porn star opens up ramifications...
World News
How the arrest of a president can strengthen a democracy
In 1872, president Ulysses S Grant was stopped by a police officer for speeding in his horse-drawn carriage in Washington.The officer held out his...
Advancement of Jorge Rial’s note with Jey Mammón: “I wish Lucas from the bottom of my heart that he can heal his soul”
Although the full interview between George Rial AND jey mammon will air on Friday Argentzuela (C5N, Monday to Friday at 3.00pm) Pablo Duggan filed...
World News
Can countries be sued for their weak climate change measures?
A small island nation in the Pacific has won the gracious diplomatic victory that can elude the superpowers of the world.On Wednesday, Vanuatu, With...
How can the US help Argentina in the IMF? Containing government critics
"I hope they continue to accompany us as they have done so far."President Alberto Fernández's statement to the President of the United States, Joe...
Controversial exchange of ANSeS bonds: can it affect the payment of pensions?
Even if it is said to be "Retiree's Silver"both the payment and the calculation of the pensions depend on a...