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Tag: goddess

United States: DEA urgent alert for the spread of the “zombie drug” that causes skin to rot

The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has alerted that it has seized mixtures of xylazine with fentanyl, known as Tranq or zombie drugin 48...

They were doing some work on a subway station and found a glass with the goddess Roma from 1600 years ago

A golden glass with the image of the goddess who gives its name to the Italian capital is what the operators working on line...

Party, Sex, and Drugs: The Story of the Most Corrupt DEA Agent

José Irizarry accept that it is known as the most corrupt agent in the DEA story and admits that he "became another man." conspiracy...

“What a goddess!”: Soledad Pastorutti amazed with her new look in “La Voz Argentina”

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description="La Sole, Montaner, Lali and Mau y Ricky made their debut with the suits at the start of the knockout. ">...

“Goddess”: Andrea Rincón has dressed again as a lookout after ten years and has revolutionized the networks

Andrea Rinconwho was called upon to play a well-known theatrical magazine figure for the second season of Argentina, land of love and revenge, she...

Egyptian Surprise: They discovered a soot-covered 46,000-year-old fresco in honor of the vulture and snake goddesses.

Researcher University of Tubingen (Germany) and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism have discovered a series of "spectacular" frescoes about 2,000 years ago dedicated to...

He plowed his field and found the head of the Canaanite Goddess of love and war

A Palestinian farmer in the Gaza Strip discovers the head of a 4,500 -year -old statue depicting Anat, the Canaanite goddess of beauty, love...