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Tag: insecurity

Drug trafficking and insecurity in Ecuador: Guillermo Lasso authorizes the army to act

Sometimes when Ecuador is going through a serious wave of insecurity and when a political process threatens the management of the Executive, the president...

“Streets without violence”, the fight of Gabriel Boric’s government against insecurity in Chile

A $1.5 billion a year increase in the crime-fighting budget, more equipment, a plan with municipalities for "streets without violence" and a handful of...

Fight against precariousness in Chile: the government intervenes in 30 municipalities after the third murder of a policeman in less than a month

The Chilean government announced this Thursday the intervention of 30 municipalities of the country with a high crime rate after the third murder of...

Due to insecurity, Guillermo Lasso militarizes parts of Ecuador and authorizes the transport of weapons

The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, decreed a state of emergency starting this Sunday in the areas afflicted by drug trafficking and crime and...

Floppy Tesouro recounted the violent episode of insecurity he experienced in Miami

On his Instagram account, Floppy sweetie told the violent episode of insecurity which she observed closely while eating with her six-year-old daughter, Moorea, in...

Filming of Fast and Furious 10 generates a protest from neighbors, who warn about road insecurity

fan of Fast & Furious from all over the world are excited for the return of the franchise with the tenth installment, Fast Xin...

Fear and insecurity when entering clubs: the punctures that shake Spain

Cases of punctures to women in discos and mass parties are increasing presumably to drug and subdue victims It has become a concern for...

Insecurity in the cane: they stole the cell phone “Cortá por Lozano” while taking notes at the police station

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description="The reporter of the bicycle he drives Vero Lozano was at Villa Albertina when he was told that the van had...

Two facts of insecurity alert the Boric Government: they kidnapped a driver from his custody and raided the home of the Minister of Defense.

Two violent acts of insecurity have put Gabriel Boric’s Government in Chile on alert in recent hours. A presidential custody chauffeur is robbed,...