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Construction recycling: How many dollars entered the country within days of completing the first phase

Money laundering is born, promoted by the government to obtain dollars from the state coffers and to incentivize the construction sector a slow pace...

Soybean dollar sales boom continues: over 3 million tons were traded in three days and US $ 1,000 million in foreign currency entered

Producers sold one million tons of soybeans this Wednesday, and in the first three days that the soybean dollar started working, it has already...

Record agricultural exports: what are the main products and sales destinations?

During the first six months of 2022, agribusiness generated $ 31 billion in revenue from exports, the highest figure in the country's history."There are...

In June, more dollars came out for energy and travel and less for soy

For higher payments energy importslower sales of soybeans e higher expenses for travel, tickets and other card payments, in June the foreign exchange current...