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Tag: kharkov

Russia-Ukraine War: Moscow has launched a new offensive against key infrastructure in Kiev, Kharkov and other cities

Russia launched on Monday great round of attacks On kyiv, Kharkov and other cities of Ukraine. It is the second time this month...

Russia-Ukraine War: Russian artillery crushes Kharkov and leaves nothing standing

Refineries, factories, subways, schools, homes, even churches. The Russian army is a crusher in the city of Kharkov and throughout its region. ...

Russia-Ukraine War: between trenches and cement blocks, Kharkov ready to fight another Russian attack

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description="New trenches, concrete blocks, sandbags and several checkpoints are ready in Kharkov, Ukraine, to deal with the second attack. Russia...

War in Ukraine: In the Kharkov morgue, the bodies of Russian soldiers accumulated

How many soldiers have died since the war began in Ukraine? Kyiv estimates its losses at about 3,000 men, while saying 25,000 Russians...

“Clarín” in Ukraine: A remis from Kharkov to Zaporizhia, from the city of bombs to the city of Mariupol survivors

Death is full of mysteries, but there is no doubt that life is more interesting. War is no exception to this inevitable axiom:...

Departure from Kharkov, with background bombing and towards the hot zone of the Donbas

Another day of clear skies, full sun and rising temperatures. Everything is going well in the big city of Kharkov, in eastern Ukraine....

The heavy task of cleaning up the ruins in Kharkov: “I want my country to quickly return to what it is”

It's not three days. It’s not even a walk: it’s necessary more than two months. It is now believed that May 9...

The Russia-Ukraine war: 70 days underground, the drama of not leaving the depths of the Kharkov metro

In the early days of the war in Ukraine, without a chance to show his head, Denis became accustomed to doing the same route...

Russia-Ukraine War: Explosives experts search for remnants of Russian rockets in Kharkov ruins

A team of bomb disposal experts are working on the streets of Kharkov for the remains of Russian rockets, after this city, the...