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Tag: preventive

Ecuador: they ask for the preventive detention of former president Lenín Moreno for corruption

The State Attorney General's Office (FGE) of Ecuador requested this Wednesday the Preventive detention of former president Lenín Morenohis wife and one of his...

Bolivia: the prosecutor’s office is asking for six months of preventive detention for the governor of Santa Cruz

A prosecutor in Bolivia this Thursday asked for six months of pretrial detention for the Governor of Santa Cruz and leader of the opposition,...

Political crisis in Peru: Pedro Castillo’s preventive detention extended to 18 months

The Court ruled that the former president of Peru Peter Castillodeposed and arrested for attempting a self-coup, remain in custody for 18 months,...

Preventive decline and wave of observations in the mass consumption sector

The commentary festival is in full swing, especially in local businesses, supermarkets, shops, neighborhood shops and kiosks. The price lists arrive with increases of...

Sebastián Villa’s new complainant’s lawyer said it “would not be unreasonable” for the soccer player to be ordered to preventive detention.

The situation of Colombian Sebastián Villa, a Boca footballer, seems to be getting increasingly complicated. On Wednesday, the girl’s lawyer who convicted her...

Russia-Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin describes the invasion as a “preemptive” attack in the face of the NATO threat

Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, confirmed on Monday in an expected speech he ordered a “preemptive” attack in Ukraine in the face of alleged...