Telegram is one of the most popular chat applications in the world. Created in 2013 by businessman of Russian origin Pavel Durovathe platform has grown hand in hand with the promise of greater security Y functions personalized and today, with more than 700 million active usersis WhatsApp’s main competition.
For many, Telegram has become a second instant messaging app and there are users who choose it for reasons that go beyond chatting with their contacts. One such reason is the safetymatter that Durov has highlighted on several occasions to differentiate himself from the service of Objective. However, attacks on Telegram accounts have been known in recent years.
In the last few hours, the Buenos Aires Security Minister said that his Telegram account was hacked referring to the chats that link him to the trip of the judges to the South that Alberto Fernández appointed by the Cadena Nacional. Just the President and Cristina Kirchner usually refer to the fact that they communicate with each other via Telegram for “security issues”.
Telegram uses a encryption based on MTProto protocol (Mobile Transport Protocol), which securely protects conversations, or at least more than the competition.
Indeed, the user has a function that allows you to encrypt messages from end to end. It’s about “secret chats”: Messages are not saved in the cloud, they self-destruct and their content is not displayed in notifications.
Even the app allows you to have a user without being linked to a phone numberthen level intimacy It is superior to WhatsApp.
Instead, the managers of Telegram provide free access to source code of the application, something important so that security experts can do it track bugs and prevent vulnerabilities. And also to know exactly what Telegram does with our data.
From the app they ensure that, to date, there is no viable way to break the encryption. However, there have already been several cases of compromised accounts.
How can you hack a Telegram account?
- With spyware: This involves installing programs and applications specifically dedicated to it on the device, such as mSpy, which is software created to monitor children’s phones, but can be used in a malicious way. In this case, someone with access to the phone can install this “spy”.
- web telegram: When you leave a session open on a computer, your privacy is exposed.
- Remote Access: Hackers can gain access to another person’s computer using software developed specifically for this function. If they manage to break into the device and Telegram Web is used there, the hacker will have access to chats.
Telegram: its main functions
Beyond security, Telegram stands out for its innovative functionswhich in many cases end up being copied from WhatsApp.
Their channels and supergroups They make Telegram a powerful machine for exchanging information: it is no coincidence that one of its most interesting functions is that of allowing the sending of files up to 2 GB, a more than considerable figure.
Instead of deleting a message every time you make a mistake, Telegram allows you to change it. As part of its options to improve the security and privacy conditions of its messaging service, Telegram allows the chat emptying. This way you will be able to delete all the messages you have sent in a conversation and even delete them so that the rest of the participants cannot see them either.
Telegram, unlike WhatsApp, allows you to create groups with a virtually unlimited number of participants.
Surely one of the main differences between WhatsApp and Telegram is that the latter service allows us to create transmission channels. They are extremely useful for community management.
Telegram allows search for people and groups located nearbya very useful function for discovering groups and communities in your city and being able to receive information and communicate without having to provide your telephone number.
Last June, the app announced the launch of its Premium version, with new features in exchange for a $5 monthly subscription.
Source: Clarin
Linda Price is a tech expert at News Rebeat. With a deep understanding of the latest developments in the world of technology and a passion for innovation, Linda provides insightful and informative coverage of the cutting-edge advancements shaping our world.