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Should you turn off your cell phone at night?: health experts answer

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Permanent use of the smartphone It is a common practice where digital connection is constant.

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Even when night comes, many users continue to use the mobile in bed and they also put it under the pillow to always have it at hand.

In this rather compelling context, several specialists defend its necessity unplug to promote restful sleep and preserve mental health. Others, however, argue that keeping the device turned on is essential.

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This discussionwhere, as in any debate, there is no single answer, it transcends simple technical choice and raises fundamental questions about how our digital decisions affect our overall well-being.

Why or why shouldn’t you turn off your cell phone at night?

Night rest is essential to ensure good physical and mental health. Turning off your cell phone at night can also be useful reduces exposure to light emitted by screens, which can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. A study published on the website of American Physiological Societyfor example, supports this argument.

Off or on at night?  Why yes, why not.  Photo: Pexels/Miriam Alonso.Off or on at night? Why yes, why not. Photo: Pexels/Miriam Alonso.

But those in favor of keeping it maintain that the possibility of receiving it remains urgent calls or messages justifies this habit.

It can generate constant notifications of messages and updates anxiety and stressand contribute to the development of mental health problems, the portal indicates Better with health. Turning off your phone at night would be a drastic way set limits to “mobile phone addiction”.

On the contrary, those who prefer to keep their devices on all the time claim that the connection with loved ones and constant availability can provide emotional support and counteract possible negative effects.

On the other hand, some defend the idea of ​​turning off your cell phone at night as a strategy disconnect from work and encourage a balance between work and personal life.

Many people recognize the inability to disconnect.  Photo: Pexels/Polina Kovaleva.Many people recognize the inability to disconnect. Photo: Pexels/Polina Kovaleva.

According to a survey conducted in Spain on more than 3,000 people and approved by Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress (SEAS)new technologies like cell phones, email, and social networks have become a thing great source of stress.

68.2% of participants stated that the main cause of the increase in perceived stress in daily life is related inability to “disconnect” of your devices. Additionally, 47.4% of respondents who work and felt stressed recently admitted to receiving and responding to emails or calls after work hours. THE need for an immediate response was another stressor that emerged in the study (54.6%)

Those who oppose turning off your devices argue that always being accessible can be of great importance take advantage of job opportunities or in emergency situations as it allows you to receive any urgent calls and contact the police or SAME almost immediately.

However, some argue that the the probability of facing an emergency during the night is lowand the constant sleep disruption caused by notifications can have an even more negative impact on your overall health.

Inside technological aspectbig producers, like SAMSUNGwe recommend charging your phone throughout the night since, as they explain, these include programs that protect them from the effects of overload.

Source: Clarin

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