Home Technology Mark Zuckerberg’s three tips for young people looking for a job in technology

Mark Zuckerberg’s three tips for young people looking for a job in technology

Mark Zuckerberg’s three tips for young people looking for a job in technology

Mark Zuckerberg’s three tips for young people looking for a job in technology

Zuckerberg created Facebook before he was 20 years old. (Image: YouTube capture)

For many years, the IT world, one of the most strategic sectors in the world, has faced a shortage due to the lack of technology talent to cover new projects, support areas and very specific profiles. . To succeed in the technological universe, in addition to creativity, it’s important to listen to the winners.

One of the powerful voices on the matter is undoubtedly Mark Zuckerberg, who doesn’t usually comment on these issues, but as an exception, he offers some advice for beginners. aspire to succeed in this world of one and zero.

The young millionaire, in an informal chat on the podcast lex fridman, featured technology as the primary employment tool for young people in the coming years. However, it added a key feature to get into that emerging industry: creative economy.

“Part of what I think is going to be great about the creative economy and the metaverse is more people are going to work doing more inventive things than I think now we’re just considering the traditional that job or service, ”he said. .

Mark Zuckerberg participated in a conversation with Lex Fridman.  Capture from YouTube.

Mark Zuckerberg participated in a conversation with Lex Fridman. Capture from YouTube.

What is known as the creative economy does not have a single definition, according to the UN. Rather, it is an emerging concept based on the interaction between human creativity and intellectual property, knowledge and technology.

One of the great battles of the people will be against process automation. That is, all professions where the systematization of traditional services threatens permanence. If there’s one thing machines don’t possess, it’s creativity, an essential ingredient for future technology.

In the podcast, hosted by MIT computer scientist Lex Fridman, the 37-year-old entrepreneur thinks that tech-focused jobs will increasingly dominate the world, but these aren’t the kinds of “ tech work ”as we know it today.

Zuckerberg’s three tips for working in the IT sector

Advice for job seekers in the IT sector.  Photo Shutterstock

Advice for job seekers in the IT sector. Photo Shutterstock

The current CEO of Meta, shared with the audience the three lessons he gives to his daughters every night. In one of them he taught that “You need to focus more on social relationships rather than a specific work purpose, ”he said.

For the entrepreneur, the “essentials in life” are the ones that can’t be bought. For this reason, she reminds her children that “health comes first, stay in good shape. Friends and family come second, having time for these relationships is probably the most important thing in the world.”

During an interview with Fridman, Zuckerberg stressed the need to allow little safeguard their imaginative powers throughout its development. “All kids are artists. However, the complexity,” he says, makes it easier for them to develop that quality during the developmental stages.

Another of Zuckerberg’s sayings is he he doesn’t hire someone he doesn’t see working. This approach creates a work environment that is more cohesive and more productive because, if you work in a team where its members share the same values ​​at the human level, the chances of achieving the goals. at work will increase. At the end of the day, “choosing people to work side by side is no different than choosing friends or partners,” he explains.


Source: Clarin


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