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Subscription prices may increase without permission in the App Store

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New rules for Apple’s app store, the App Store, were announced this week and they could have an impact on your wallet: developers will now be able to increase the price of in -app subscriptions without getting permission . user manifesto.

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In a blog post for developers, Apple argued that this measure would allow people to not see their access to these applications if they forgot to press a button that explicitly gives their permission. approval of price increases.

Companies will only need to make sure to notify users in advance about the price change, but they can proceed with higher fees for their auto-renewable subscription without having to take a oo or one No. as has happened until now.

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Apple said it puts a limit on price increases that can be applied in this way: they must not exceed 50% of the price of the previous subscription. For monthly plans, the amount should not be higher than $ 7, unlike $ 70 for annual plans.

This new measure will take effect in most territories where the App Store does business, including Canada.

Source: Radio-Canada

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