Cybersecurity experts gather in Europe in the midst of war

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Computer security specialists from the European continent are meeting from Tuesday for the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) in Lille, in northern France, in a context marked by military conflict between Russia and Ukraine. .

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More than 13,000 people are expected over three days to exchange the latest information on the state of the computer threat and the best ways to protect against it.

We have between 15 and 20% more exhibitors, at about 550, and almost 500 speakers, we haven’t had too manyGuillaume Tissier, co-organizer of the FIC, told AFP.

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While cybersecurity officials held their breath at the start of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the conflict does not seem to have flowed, so far, across the borders of the two fighting until the cyber attack, besides a collateral effect of the Russian attack. at the beginning of the conflict with the KA-SAT satellite network, used by Ukraine.

Had a concentration of Russia’s efforts on Ukraineunderlined this week Guillaume Poupard, the director general of ANSSI (National Agency for the Security of Information Systems), the French cyber defender.

In Ukraine itself, Russia’s cyberattacks seem to be contained, especially in the country’s good state of readiness and with the help of Western, state or private partners such as Microsoft.

We see the very strong stability of Ukraine in terms of cybersecurity, which can give hope the specialists who observe the conflict carefully, Guillaume Poupard indicated.

Europe, leader in cybersecurity

A round table will take place on Wednesday involving several military cybersecurity leaders, including General Didier Tisseyre (France), Colonel Rene Innos (Estonia) and General Karol Molenda (Poland), and will focus on the role of cybersecurity in conflicts. . high intensity.

General Tisseyre will also take part in a round table on the European Union’s growing role in cybersecurity, along with European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager and Olli Ruutu, Deputy Director General of the European Defense Agency.

During the French presidency of the European Union (EU) that ends at the end of June, the 27 member countries reached a political agreement on the revision of the NIS cybersecurity directive, which aims to strengthen the security of key infrastructures in Europe.

The EU is debating or preparing to debate texts on the security of connected objects (Cyber ​​Resilience Act), European cybersecurity standards (Cybersecurity Law), or electronic evidence in criminal matters (E-evidence package).

Radio Canada

Source: Radio-Canada


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