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Dreaming of scorpions or scorpions – what is behind this dream?

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Dream about scorpions or scorpionsIn general, it has a meaning negative for our life.

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We know that dreaming of animals and insects – like dreaming of mice, crocodiles or cockroaches – can often be like this. unpleasant What distressing. They are dreams that scare us, produce uncertainty and bring us mixed feelings.

But dream about scorpions or scorpionsFurthermore, it gives us a warning signal and a warning about what is about to happen.

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What does it mean to dream of scorpions or scorpions

The first thing we need to know is that scorpions and scorpions are the samethere is no difference between them and the name given to them depends on where we are.

Dream about scorpions or scorpions it’s a warning. What does it tell us? That we must pay attention to everything that happens around us in all sectors: personal, family and work.

Is that the scorpions or scorpions They are linked to deception, criticism, betrayal and bad intentions on our part towards others.

Therefore, when these mysterious and dangerous creatures appear in our life, they represent that we are going through one particularly difficult time in our relationships.

However, to fully understand the meaning of this dream we must pay attention to our feelings during the dream and the characteristics that the dream assumes. scorpions or scorpions.

What does it mean to dream of scorpions or scorpions that sting us

Dreaming of scorpions or scorpions that sting us has, second, different meanings. One of them tells us treason or infidelity; another, of excesses

But, just in case we get it kill them during sleep, it tells us something more positive, that we have the ability to do so overcome obstacles that come to us in life.

What does it mean to dream of scorpions or black scorpions

Contrary to what we may believe, dreaming about scorpions or black scorpions symbolizes positive things Good things are about to happen to us. The money could come in unexpectedly or get a job promotion unexpectedly.

However, on the other hand, it could also indicate that we judge ourselves very harshly and is a warning that we should slow down a bit and lower the level of self-criticism.

What does it mean to dream of white scorpions or scorpions

Yes we dream of scorpions or white scorpions who attack us, may anticipate that someone in our environment is about to betray us.

If, on the other hand, it does not approach us or does nothing to us, it speaks of union of our family he was born in Family protection that we receive

What does it mean to dream of scorpions or red scorpions

Dreaming of scorpions or red scorpions is a clear warning Danger, indicates the site. It happens that it is not only related to dangers from the outside, but also to negative emotions or feelings just that it could play against us.

In this case, as we said, it symbolizes that someone is likely to want to harm us, because this dream is related to envy and greed. The message it leaves us is that we need to analyze our environment to identify who it can be and avoid conflicts.

What does it mean to dream of scorpions or scorpions in bed

Dream about scorpions or scorpions in bed definitely not a good sign.In general, it symbolizes that the enemy lives with us or belongs to our very close environment.

Source: Clarin

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