Home World News Full Moon in Aries in October 2022: its effects on each zodiac sign

Full Moon in Aries in October 2022: its effects on each zodiac sign

Full Moon in Aries in October 2022: its effects on each zodiac sign

This month, the moon full happens the day October 9, 2022 at 5:55 pm from Argentina; 15:55 from Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia; 16:55 from Venezuela and 22:55 in Spain.

The Sun it is passing through the sign of Libra, therefore the full moon occurs Aries. And in this case it does so in the 16th degree of the Aries / Libra axis.

Hunter full moon October 2022

A full moon The Native Americans of October called it full moon of the hunter (also called the Blood Moon) because it’s the time in the Northern Hemisphere when the leaves start to fall, the deer gain weight, and it’s time to stock up for the arrival of winter.

Since the fields were harvested the previous month, this makes it easier for the hunter to find the cleared land to catch the animals.

What is the full moon and what is its power

A full moon it happens at that moment the Sun and the Moon are facing each other.

It is the time when everything that has been stimulated at the new Moon and accomplished during the crescent phases ends here. maximum development whether the results are positive or negative.

During this phase you feel more need for social or mental expansion, This phase is usually marked with a big moveexcitement and expansion of the masses in general.

people are more receptive and the social relations more favorable. But the moonfull of light, upsets the spiritsit causes reason to lose ground and unleashes emotions.

Therefore, it is a very auspicious time for the creativityand to reap the rewards of all that was done during the cycle.

You are usually more euphoric and situations arise with people who bring answers or solutions to problems. The work initiatives They have ingredients that make it easy.

One has more fun in full moon meetings. But the full moon it also has a reputation for encouragement violence and increase accidents and emotional crimes.

The body tends to be more easily altered as well headaches and migraines are typical of this phase. If we want something to be disclosed, commented on, disseminated, this is the time. The ideal is to do it a few hours before the exact opposition.

Aries sign: what are its characteristics

The Aries sign is a cardinal sign of the element Fire. The cardinal signs correspond to the beginning of the seasons, which is why they are signs of the beginningfrom openingsfrom you begin.

The aries sign is a sign of independencefrom enthusiasmbut also from aggression.

It is an appropriate sign to start any business, but above all to undertake quick and executive decisions.

The full moon in Aries it is a moon enterprisingactivates, which drives, pushes, stimulates any movement, but also carries a load of intolerance and of recklessness.

The aries sign is governed by MarsGod of war in Greek mythology, and has an analogy to everything this god of Olympus symbolizes: war, weapons, speed, fire, virility, momentum.

Mars rules the headFor this reason, it is difficult for Aryans to escape head or face injuries, where they almost always carry a particular mark of this energy.

Anything that affects those parts of the body will be more harmful in those days and, on the other hand, anything that is done for the well-being of those organs will have a double effect and be extremely beneficial, with the exception of surgery operations.

Full Moon in Aries: its effect on each sign

Mars is the planet of action. It is the giver of energy and is associated with passion, struggle, life force, fury, determination, courage, anger and rage, aggression, what cuts, what hurts and what burns like fire.

in this lunation, Mars It’s inside Twinsdirected by Mercurythe planet of mind and communication.

An ancient astrological text says:Mars in Gemini it causes damage to men, in particular to merchants and scribes (traders and journalists) and indicates deterioration of the air: in the boreal sectors it means earthquakes, in the southern ones burning heat and drought “. (Translation by Teofilo di Edessa. E. Gramaglia)

Furthermore Mars in Gemini We can associate it with paths and paths, and with schools, where there is currently a manifest conflict.

Mars is in good aspect with Lunationan influence that benefits the air marks -Twin, Aquarius and Libra- and, to a lesser extent, Aries and Leo.

For them it will be a time of great vitality and creative actions, where willpower can be directed. They will feel greater physical energy, joy of life, greater need for action and decision.

It will be a good time to start new business. But while Mars presents them favorably, it is also a time that can involve a certain carelessness to feel full and energetic and tending to take financial risks or buy useless things. Too much self-confidence can also be harmful.

All the changing signs -Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo- will be subject to discomfort and worries related to the effort caused by the appearance of those sensitive spots with Mars.

this will bring inconveniencesmuch fatigue Y states of anxiety. It is advisable not to interrupt the activity as a negative aspect of Mars can always indicate an interrupted energy.

The influence of Venus

The planet Venusthan during this full moon it will be burned by the sun’s rays, burned and its expression will be weakened. Then, it will go to the higher conjunction with the Sun to change phase on October 23rd.

At the moment, it will go from being Eastern (more active) to being Westernmore receptive and stable, and will move away from the Sun, reaching its maximum elongation on June 4, 2023. Immediately after sunset, the observation conditions will be optimal and this planet will be seen at its maximum splendor.

The air signs –Acquarium, Twins Y Pound– They are already receiving their beneficial influences, in addition to those of Fire –Sagittarius, Leo and Aries– Sara benefited from the peaceful energies of Venus, which does not shine the sky with all its grandeur.

Square of Saturn and Uranus

As important aspects during this lunation we must highlight the Saturn squared to Uranus which during the first days of October has the closest aspect, but is not perfected, as Saturn will go direct on October 23rd and gradually recede.

Saturn represents the structure, the tradition, the traditional, the conservative, the restrictive, the scarce, the obstacles, and what structures, organizes, is measured or controlled. Is found very strong in your Aquarius domicile.

Uranusinstead, it was discovered at the time of the French Revolution whose motto was: equality, fraternity and freedom. is innovativeunconventional, rebellious and represents all that is modern, technological, scientific, progressive and innovative.

is approx two conflicting forces which can be interpreted as the new that wants to impose itself against the old that refuses to change, that which is in rebellion against wanting to control, limit, stop; a struggle between restrictions and the desire for freedom.

This aspect, which can be expressed as a effort to overcome difficulties and, in general, it can be thought of as problems with technologyelectricity, airplanes, as well as any subject that associates economics and technology, old methods with current ones, old behaviors versus new methodologies and it can happen anywhere.

Some of the people who have sensitive points in the second decan of the fixed signs – Taurus, Scorpio, Acquarium or Leo– will live times of changes, movements or transformations.

The square of Saturn with Uranus will not indicate moments of stability and can generate many alterationsespecially unforeseen, situations sometimes seem to get out of control.

Uranus often gives things to 180 ° turn and has been called “the alarm clock” many times. Likewise, it could be an opportunity for these natives to do so making progress probably under difficult circumstances or they require effort.

The squares are challenges, and nothing is achieved without effort. Lots of relaxation meditation, yoga practice, long walks in contact with nature will help.

Saturn from Aquarius structures the second decan of the other air signs –Gemini and Libra– giving them order and safety.

On the other hand, Uranus from Taurus will favor those with sensitive spots in the second decan of the Earth signs –Virgin and Capricorn – giving them changes harmoniously and favorablybringing new things and unexpected structures into your life.

Sagittarius Y Aries also receive the organize energy of Saturn from a related angle, but more faintly; the same happens with Fish and Cancer, who receive the energies of the restless and unexpected Uranus from a slightly related angle, so their influence will be very subtle.

The impact of Jupiter and Mercury

Last but not least, Jupiter and Mercury they will make their last opposition in this cycle by mobilizing the first degrees of the cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.

The the relationship between these two planets is not favorable for there is in it a tendency to distraction to think with lack of objectivity.

This contact makes the native unclear about the details and it is not advisable to do business or deal with legal or financial matters for those natives during this period. Travel and communication can lead to disappointment.

Let us always remember that all these descriptions are of a very general nature and each Christmas card It is like the fingerprint, particular and unique, therefore, to have a complete view of the transits and cycles that they can undergo, it is advisable to contact a professional.

By Patricia Kesselman, astrologer and professor of astrology and tarot. On Instagram: @horoskopo.

Source: Clarin


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