Abundance horoscope: how to attract money and prosperity according to the zodiac sign?

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For astrology, abundance is much more than economic wealth. For some, it is something the Universe gives us because we deserve it; for others, it is what we earn with gratitude. And, for everyone, it is a must have health, love and prosperity without lack.

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But there are also many others additional resources with which we can connect and bond from abundance. These can be initiative, creativity, energy and healthy bonds.

It is that the abundance is there, within everyone’s reach. We just have to know what we want, want it deeply, ask the Universe for it, and most of all, be grateful when we get it.

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How to attract abundance and prosperity according to the zodiac sign

When implementing these ritualsit is important to keep in mind that it is convenient to make them nightin one place more calm possible and try to meet relaxed.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: fire signs

For these signs, the abundance and the prosperity they are very important to you freedom.

It is that in their ability to start, in their drive, in their desire to travel and see the world and in their desire to stand out, money occupies a central place: it is the tool that will allow them get what they want independently.

Ritual: They must prepare an altar with a red candle and a cup of salt water. As an amulet, those of Aries must put a key; those of the Lion, symbol of a Chinese snake (it can be a coin or a small drawing); and those of Sagittarius, a bay leaf. Light a lemon incense.

They light the candle and for a few minutes visualize what they want to do in abundance and prosperity. Then they repeat this mantra three times: “Universe, grant me the grace of abundance and prosperity to get what I want. Thank you, thank you, thank you”.

When the candle goes out, pour the water into a pot or a place with earth and try to always carry the amulet with you or keep it in a very personal place.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn: earth signs

For these signs, the abundance and the prosperity they are very important to you safety.

There is nothing better for these signs than to produce – something very easy for them -, generate money and grow in the workplace or professionally to feel fulfilled. Practical in all respects, they are the signs they most appreciate objectivity and the material achievements.

Ritual: They should set up an altar with a brown or yellow candle and a cup of salt water. As an amulet, those of Taurus must place something that has the image of the Moon (it can be a ring or a pendant); those of the Virgin, Turkish eye; and those of Capricorn, a sprig of pine. Light a sandalwood incense.

They light the candle and for a few minutes visualize what they want to do in abundance and prosperity. Then they repeat this mantra three times: “Universe, grant me the grace of abundance and prosperity to get what I want. Thank you, thank you, thank you”.

When the candle goes out, pour the water into a pot or a place with earth and try to always carry the amulet with you or keep it in a very personal place.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius: air marks

For these signs, the abundance and the prosperity they are very important in order to start yours creativity and its new ideas.

It is that for the most creative of the zodiac, they are the keys that will allow them to open the way to their projects which, as we said, are usually extremely original and innovative. Elegant, with refined and perfectionist tastes, even money is essential to satisfy their tastes.

Ritual: They are to prepare an altar with an orange candle and a cup of salt water. As an amulet, those of Gemini must put a flower; those of Libra, something that has a sun (it can be a ring or a pendant); and those of Aquarius, the symbol of a fish (it can be a ring, a drawing). Light a cinnamon incense.

They light the candle and for a few minutes visualize what they want to do in abundance and prosperity. Then they repeat this mantra three times: “Universe, grant me the grace of abundance and prosperity to get what I want. Thank you, thank you, thank you”.

When the candle goes out, pour the water into a pot or a place with earth and try to always carry the amulet with you or keep it in a very personal place.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces: water marks

For these signs, the abundance and the prosperity they are very important to be able to do this fulfill your dreams and those of others.

It is that for the most sensitive of the zodiac, money is the way to put their need into practice Help. Generous and selfless, they tend to please foreign needs with respect to their own and to the well-being of their families and friends is their priority.

Ritual: They have to prepare an altar with a blue candle and a cup of salt water. As an amulet, those of Cancer must place the symbol of a frog (it can be an ornament or a design); those of Scorpio, a key; and those of Pisces, an energy pyramid. Light a Palo Santo incense.

When the candle goes out, pour the water into a pot or a place with earth and try to always carry the amulet with you or keep it in a very personal place.

Source: Clarin

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