October archangel according to date of birth: who is your guardian angel?

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The Angels – beings of light that surround us – protect us and put us in contact with the objective and the mission that we come to carry on in this life.

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The Guardian Angel is a Catholic Church belief that God assigns a protective angel for each person to defend him from evil and facilitate (and accompany) his ascent to Heaven.

And regardless of whether or not we maintain contact with our guardian angel, him never stop watching over ushe takes care of us at all times and gives us advice and support when we ask.

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How to summon your guardian angel

The invocation to our Guardian angel it is a way to give back to the Universe all that it generously gives us.

This call is a Power that we generate to attract them and it must emerge as an inner need because it is a call that can change our lifeour vision, our relationships and change (for the better) our personality.

Whenever we feel alone or distressed, we can invoke our Angel, as he will help us help and listen. We can invoke it in cases of danger or to give us the courage to face important commitments or in the face of extreme situations.

The important thing is that we need to know that him will always be there to help us.

The way to connect it is via views. He will speak to us through our inner voice, guiding our steps, correcting our adverse attitudes and feelings until achieve physical, mental and spiritual balance necessary to make its appearance possible.

What is your Guardian Angel if you were born in October

From 28 September to 2 October: your guardian angel is REHAEL. Those who request this influence will have the gift of healing; You will know that miracles are possible and very common due to the immense love of God. Overcoming evil will not be difficult next to this angel. The person Rehael cares for will have this very much in mind.

3-7 October: your guardian angel is IEAZEL. Among the blessings Ieiazel bestows is the curious gift of developing the so-called meteorological “smell”, that is, the ability to predict rain or good weather. Those protected by this Angel also have a natural antidote to depression and a talent for music, photography and cinema. Your angel helps you always find the bright side of things.

8-12 October: your guardian angel is HAHAHEL. This Angel grants the gift of communication, especially so that the assisted can use it to spread the truths of God. With this gift, the person does not need to be a practitioner of any cult. Although many do not understand it, this is the ideal state of the human being: becoming one with the spirit in order to reach the highest and most complete satiety.

13-17 October: your guardian angel is MICHAEL. It is the virtue that helps to master the four elements of nature. Water, that is, feelings; Fire, which is equivalent to action; Aria, which symbolizes ideas; and the Earth, that is, matter. Those who acquire these gifts should know that Michael will ask you to demonstrate that you are capable of absolute self-control and set the ego aside before the absolute truth of God. In short, they should be aware that the powers you use are not yours.

October 18-22: your guardian angel is VEULIA. Thanks to the virtue of Veuliah they will be recognized for their work and will use the most innovative resources and strategies. No task will seem complicated in your hands. They will also have the support of colleagues and superiors.

23-28 October: your guardian angel is GIALAIA. Yelaiah’s children are interested in keeping traditions alive and preserving small but significant family customs. The person touched by Yelaiah’s rod feels the desire to adhere to the preservation of “experiences”. A genuine interest in ancient objects, cultural traditions and spiritual values ​​will awaken in her.

From 29 October to 2 November: your guardian angel is SEALIA. Whoever asks for Sealiah’s gifts becomes respectful in little things and wants to worship him in recognition of him. Some works of art will justify your sudden interest in this hobby. Virtues are like this, when they touch a person they are passionate. On the other hand, this person will not have to worry about his material subsistence, as he will enjoy the gift of endowing himself with everything he wants without making an effort.

Nadir Otermin Hamed. Holistic Master. Courses and Sessions online and all year round. On Instagram: @consultorioholisticonadir

Source: Clarin

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