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Ballotaje in Brazil: cannibalism enters the countryside

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The cannibalism took office as one of the themes of the Brazilian election campaign, which is approaching the ballot of October 30 to the rhythm of promises, easy money, dirty war and various nonsense such as the existence of the Satanism among the ranks of the PT. So much so that the Superior Electoral Court had to intervene.

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Where does the theme of cannibalism come from? In 2016, Jair Bolsonaro told the New York Times that as a young man he intended to participate in an indigenous ritual in the Amazon where he would eat human flesh, which he ultimately did not do.

The PT campaign quickly dusted off that interview. And Lula da Silva himself took it upon himself to recall how his opponent had talked about the possibility of participating in an indigenous ritual with human flesh.

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During an election event this Sunday, in Belo Horizonte, with apparent irony, Lula warned that perhaps Bolsonaro could give him a “bite” in the next debate, which will see them face to face, given that he has a tendency to “cannibalism”.

Lula and Bolsonaro confirmed their presence in the debates promoted by TV Bandeirantes and TV Globo, respectively on 16 and 27 October.

The Labor Party candidate claimed that Bolsonaro in an interview had spoken of “eating” an indigenous, assuring that his opponent “zero fact” in political issues addressed to “Indians” and the “Amazonia”.

Not only did Lula bring the matter to light in Belo Horizonte. The PT advertising campaign released part of the video in which Bolsonaro talks about the issue and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) ordered to remove the spot from the air starting this Sunday.

Bolsonaro’s answer

Given the repercussions of the issue, on Sunday President Bolsonaro denounced having suffered attacks for the “spontaneous” way in which he addresses the press, but He denied that he was a person devoted to eating human flesh.

The agent complained about Lula’s “opportunism” for using the video of the interview to make a propaganda that tries to “intimidate the population” in the election campaign at the end of the month.

“The left does this job very well (intimidate public opinion) e now he’s saying I’m a cannibal“Bolsonaro told in a podcast.

Lula won the first round of the presidential elections on October 2nd with 48% of the vote. Bolsonaro finished second with 43% of the votes and both went to the ballot.

Lula has collected various props like that of Simone Tebet, center-right senator who came third in the first round of the presidential elections, and that of former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, as well as the Democratic Party of Labor (PDT), who ran for the presidency of Brazil The former minister Ciro Gomes. And a first poll gives him the winner in the second round with 51% against 43% of the current president.

Bolsonaro has the support of the Governor of Minas Geraisand other important southern states.

Furthermore, Bolsonaro has a preference of 70 to 30 among the evangelists, who They make up 30% of the electoral lists.

This is why several sectors close to Lula ask him a gesture towards the evangelist sector like a letter to defend religious freedom and thus try to block fake news disclosed by Bolsonarism that the leader of the PT it would be linked to “Satanism” and would have the intention of closing the churches.

Source: Agencies


Source: Clarin

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