Home World News Amasia: Pacific Ocean will disappear to make way for a supercontinent, study says

Amasia: Pacific Ocean will disappear to make way for a supercontinent, study says

Amasia: Pacific Ocean will disappear to make way for a supercontinent, study says

A new “supercontinent” is forming, and although 200 million to 300 million years have passed for it to happen, the subject has already fascinated scientists who are studying how the disappearance of the Pacific Ocean will be replaced by “Amasya”, the crossroads of America. with Asia.

Researchers from Curtin University in Australia and Peking University in China have published a study in the journal National Science in which they simulate the evolution of Earth’s tectonic plates and the formation of a future supercontinent with the help of a supercomputer. shrinkage and complete closure of the ocean.

“Over the last two billion years, Earth’s continents have collided to form a supercontinent known as the supercontinent cycle every 600 million years. This means that the present-day continents must come together again in a few hundred million years,” he said. Chuan Huang, a researcher at the Curtin Earth Dynamics Research Group and the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said in a press release.

According to scientists, the formation of supercontinents can occur in various ways, because the Earth has been cooling for billions of years. Since its formation, the thickness and strength of tectonic plates under the oceans have been decreasing. This natural process results in the shrinking of the oceans, which is formed by the disintegration of Earth’s newest supercontinent and the gradual divergence of various parts.

The Earth’s mass, called Pangea, formed about 320 million years ago, according to the study’s authors. It broke up between 170 million and 180 million years ago.

The Pacific Ocean is the oldest ocean on earth and its formation began 700 million years ago. According to scientists, it began to shrink in the age of dinosaurs, shrinking by a few centimeters per year.

According to the new simulation, the current Pacific Ocean range of 10,000 kilometers (6,213.7 miles) will close in less than 300 million years.

“The new emerging supercontinent has already been called Amasia, because some believe that when America collides with Asia, the Pacific Ocean (as opposed to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans) will close. Australia is also expected to play a role in this major Earth event, the first collision with Asia and then with Asia. “When the Pacific Ocean closes, it will connect America and Asia.”

Australia is currently moving towards Asia at about 7 centimeters per year, while Europe and America are moving more slowly towards the Pacific Ocean.

Changes in the new “supercontinent”

Changes in climates will occur with changes in the distribution of continents and oceans. Researchers also expect more earthquakes as continental plates collide.

In addition, the newly formed supercontinent will also reduce biodiversity.

“Earth as we know it will be drastically different when Amasya forms. Sea level is expected to be lower, and the vast interior of the supercontinent will be very arid with high daily temperatures,” Li said. said.

Scientists are still trying to understand the cycle of Earth’s supercontinent, driven by heat and gravity. The research team wants to determine how Earth’s tectonic plates began and when the first continents formed, as well as what started the supercontinent cycle.

“We’re starting to look at the entire Earth system, from the core to the atmosphere, as a closely connected system that evolves together,” Li said.

10/11/2022 4:00 am

source: Noticias


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