Jamil Chad Letter to the Armed Forces: This is the constitution, idiot! 30.10.2022 4:00 am

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This is the online version of Jamil Chad’s newsletter sent yesterday (29). In the full newsletter, for subscribers only, the columnist comments on foreign policy in a possible government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, what the priorities of the administration will be, and the profile of the chancellor who will take on Itamaraty. Would you like to receive the full package with the main column and more information in your email next week? Click here.


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military gentlemen,

This weekend, you will be able to decide the fate of democracy in Brazil. And therefore, millions of Brazilians. We recently saw how Jair Bolsonaro’s campaign tried to disrupt the electoral process in the country, bombarding society with disinformation and intense hatred.

Some of its spokespersons even talked about the possibility of delaying the second round, which would be a practical blow. Anyone who dares to defend this thesis is unaware that Article 77 of the Federal Constitution must be amended. However, one of the characteristics of these putschists is their disdain for the constitutional order. It is another attempt to break away from democratic institutions, without cheating.

Whether such authoritarian forces occupy the microphones of friendly radios or circulate the idea on social networks, they know that this fraud can only thrive if they rely on your willingness, logistical assistance and maneuvering.

Therefore, any commitment to this movement does not make you complicit in an attack on democracy. But the heroes of a nightmare. Clemenceau reportedly said that war was too serious a matter to be left to the generals. So imagine the democratic dream.

It is essential to know that there is no coup within the constitutional norms. Every coup is against the Constitution and the people. The President’s attempt to give a rough underreading of Article 142 of the Constitution, seeking to give the Armed Forces the role of protector of the nation, was vehemently rejected by society. The Armed Forces itself.

The discussion of the military’s role in democracy is certainly not new. Plato has already done this. For centuries it has been the army that determined a ruler’s source of power. But ironically his threat.

Once democracy is established, one of the magic behind the law is to protect the state from politicians with military ambitions. And, of course, generals with political ambitions.

In countries where there was a transition between dictatorships and democratic regimes, it was the strengthening of the norms defining the role of the armed forces that succeeded in eliminating possible pretexts and triggers to justify the military’s seizure of power. And it should be clearly stated that the transition in Brazil took place with great ease for the armed forces. With exaggerated comfort for some.

During the 20th century, we saw how the armed forces of some of the most bloodthirsty governments in history accomplished a painful transition and reform towards democratic values. Perhaps one of the greatest examples occurred in Germany with the democratization of the Bundeswehr mission.

In some places, soldiers may have broad political rights. In others, as in post-Franco Spain, soldiers cannot even join a party, which would already be considered a political act.

But there is a consensus: No democracy can qualify as truly consolidated until that country’s armed forces are truly under democratic control.

The implications of institutional break-up by the Commander-in-Chief must be rejected not only by civil society, but particularly by the Armed Forces. The Constitution that governs us is one and we all owe obedience to it.

It’s not just about “civilian control” over the armed forces. After all, we know that a dictatorship can be a civilian puppet, supposedly at the command center, who actually holds the reins of a country, to camouflage it.


Democracy goes far beyond voting, ballot boxes and institutions. Basically, it is an agreement that we accept tolerance and trust as records of coexistence. A culture that predicts defeat and sees opposition as legitimate and necessary.

A system in which the victor commits to defend those who do not vote for him and to implement policies the way he wants to live them in order to improve their lives.

Therefore, the coup is not just a political maneuver. But a tsunami is in the rules that govern Brazilian society today. The opening of a dangerous process with the withdrawal of rights, hopes and dreams. The triumph of persistent fear, insecurity and hatred in our daily lives.

In reality, any coup d’etat is against the honor of the Armed Forces who have to enforce the Constitution, even and especially against those who hold power and dare to usurp it.

Therefore, we have written this letter to make a direct objection: Do not dare a coup.

The country needs you, but within the mandate of the community pact. Suppose democracy is the greatest weapon the Brazilian nation can possess. Any attempt to overturn the constitution must unite society and the armed forces in absolute respect for the constitution of the republic.

History will be relentless and will not forgive any of you if you choose another path.

Democratic greetings,

Jamil Chade and Antônio Carlos de Almeida Castro, Kakay




Jamil Chade and Antônio Carlos de Almeida Castro, Kakay

30.10.2022 4:00 am

** This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion of UOL

source: Noticias

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