Home World News The drama of the most tattooed woman in the world: she says she can’t find work

The drama of the most tattooed woman in the world: she says she can’t find work

The drama of the most tattooed woman in the world: she says she can’t find work

A mother who jokes that she is “addicted” to tattoos surprised herself with a photo of what she looked like before her many tattoos, and the difference is astounding. Melissa Sloan, 45 years old, he says “I can’t find a job” due to the designs that cover most of his body, including his face.

Over the years, she has spent countless hours under the needle and even began to brush up on her old patterns as she ran out of space, but while others may give up at this point, Melissa isn’t done yet.

She says that people look at her oddly on the street and that people can be mean, but even that doesn’t stop her and she’ll soon get another tattoo, this time of a crucifix, which will be just below her right eye.

And now she has shared a photo of what she looked like before covering her face with tattoos. Also, she insisted on making new tattoos.

“I’m going to put a cross under my eye, it will be smooth, like a crucifix. I don’t know if I’m religious, but I like crosses. Normally I wear hearts or roses, but now” I’ll wear crosses.

“I let myself go with the flow, what I like I put on my face. I let myself be carried away by inspiration, I still have space and I wear it. It’s free, I do it or my boyfriend does it, he’s been trained to do it, he’s been doing it for years. “

“We have our car and everything, which cuts costs.”

“It’s expensive right now, right? Tomorrow I’ll get the cross, which would cost a tattoo artist $ 60- $ 70, but right now it’ll only cost me the ink, which is about $ 10 a bottle, and a needle, which is $ 10 a box, so I think it will cost me about a dollar.

“People call me crazy Melissa, but I feel like Melissa, that’s how I am. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to look at me, I don’t care. There are people who judge, they judge you whatever. People look at me, they get used to it. “

She has bold designs with flowers and an England flag on her face, and a large piece of the Kray twins tattooed on her leg, one dedicated to Playboy rabbits, and cartoon marijuana leaves on her head – and the collection continues to grow.

Speaking earlier to the Daily Star, Melissa said: “I get three tattoos a week. It’s like when you have a cigarette or a drink, you get addicted. Now I can’t quit, it’s addictive, at least for me. I can not give up.

Melissa said her love of tattoos has impacted her life as she looks weird and struggles to keep a job due to his many tattoos.

“I can’t find a job. They won’t take me. I’ve applied for a job as a toilet cleaner where I live and they won’t accept me because of my tattoos.”

Source: Clarin


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