Home World News Israel: Prime Minister Lapid accepts defeat and congratulates Netanyahu on his electoral victory

Israel: Prime Minister Lapid accepts defeat and congratulates Netanyahu on his electoral victory

Israel: Prime Minister Lapid accepts defeat and congratulates Netanyahu on his electoral victory

Interim Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid congratulated Benjamin Netanyahu on his victory in Tuesday’s election and told him that preparations for the move have begun command, thus accepting his electoral defeat.

“Prime Minister Lapid congratulated opposition leader Netanyahu on his electoral victory and informed him that he had charged his entire office prepare a transfer of command in order “This was announced by the president’s office in a statement.

“The State of Israel is above any political consideration. I wish Netanyahu successfor the sake of the people of Israel and the State of Israel, “Lapid said.

With this message, the premier acknowledges the defeat of his party, Yesh Atid, and the block of parties he leads, against the one led by Netanyahu.

The majority

With 98% of the votes counted, the bloc supporting the former president it has 64 deputies out of a total of 120and thus obtains the majority necessary to form an Executive.

Netanyahu’s Likud, which won the elections and would get 31 seats, would be part of the government along with the far-right Religious Zionist Party (14 seats) and the ultra-Orthodox Shas (11 seats) and United Torah Judaism (8 seats).

Although these numbers are not yet final and the final result will only be announced tomorrow, this Thursday it was confirmed that the left-wing Meretz party has no chance to reach the number of votes needed to enter Parliament, thus excluding significant changes in the allocation of seats.

Meretz leader Zehava Galón said today that her party’s results are “a disaster for the country” and warned about the racist component of the coalition that would form Netanyahu.

Another formation that has already been officially out of Parliament is the Arab nationalist party Balad.


After the presentation of the final vote, the president of the country, Isaac Herzog, he will receive the leaders of the party in the coming days with parliamentary representation to recommend a candidate for the post of prime minister.

Netanyahu should easily reach the minimum majority of 61 recommendations and be mandated to form a government.

In that case, it would begin formal negotiations with its potential coalition partners.especially as regards the allocation of ministerial portfoliosbefore the announcement of the new executive.

In this way, after five elections in less than four years, Israel would emerge from the political paralysis it has faced since 2018 and Netanyahu would regain power after just over a year as opposition leader.

Source: EFE and AP


Source: Clarin


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