Astral Card: what is it, what is it for and how to read it?

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The Astral Card is a plan of what the sky was like when we were born; it is a symbolic representation of the positions of the planets at that exact moment.

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And in this suit “star map” the signs, the astrological houses, the planets, the stars and all the aspects that are part of that language we know as Astrology are represented.

The astral chart and astrology

The Astrology stands on right of correspondence and analogy which states that: “As above, so below, as below, so above”.

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This means that a certain celestial event corresponds to one on Earth, in the same sense. It happens like this we are a reflection of the sky: if the sky is harmonious, so will what was born at that moment. And the reverse is also true.

What is an astral chart for?

The Astral card it is a very good and complete self-awareness tool that we have within our reach.

through the decoding and the interpretation symbols of Astral cardwe can learn and deepen our understanding of our temperament, our innate behavior, our character and psychological traits.

Furthermore, from our weaknesses and strengths to better understand ourselves.

This way we can make better use of our skillsas well as adequately developing ours more complex aspects.

How come? why the Christmas card It also allows us to delve into the potential of our personality, the ability to communicate e how we build relationships Y we make our home.

Furthermore, it offers the possibility to see our creative talent; the sons; the affections; the Healththe associations what will we do, the changes transcendental that we will live, the trips what we will do, ours professionthe social and professional projections and friends, among other things.

It happens that each astrological house It contains information on life’s problems and each aspect contains a message that tells us how to live in different situations.

The Astral card It must be interpreted by an astrologer as its interpretation requires in-depth studies and knowledge.

What does the Ascendant mean in the astrological chart?

Most of us know under which zodiac sign we were born, but we don’t know single most important factor: the Upward.

The Upward Corresponds to degree of the zodiac appearing on the eastern (eastern) horizon. in the time and place for which a certain Letter is “lifted” from heaven.

The Upward -Originally called “horoskopos” (from the Greek: observe the time) – it is the point to which the manifestation is assigned, it is the passage from invisibility to the light of birth and therefore it is associated with life.

The Upward in a Astral card It is related to the point of manifestation of everything that is born in a given moment, whether it corresponds to a living being, a company or an action.

It is one of the variables differentiate to any other being, company or action born on that same day and in that same place.

The Zodiac sign that rises on the horizon at the exact moment of a birth that represents the expression of our own personalityphysical form, in ancient times it was called “life”.

That is why it is so important to know the exact time we arrived in the world, because from there, the Christmas card.

The Upward It is a vital point that is traditionally related to the health and general condition of the body, with the appearance, character and personality.

It is important that once we know ours Upwardwe find the state of ruling planet. If, for example, the aries on the rise we will try Mars and we will associate him at times as active, impatient, enthusiastic, quarrelsome.

Instead, if the The ascendant is Sagittarius Y Jupiter it is in good condition, we will relate it with other characteristics such as relaxed, comfortable, talkative, generous and happy.

Any planet that is in any of the corners (of which the Ascendant is the main one) will exercise a important influence throughout life.

When it comes to beneficial planets like Venus, Jupiter, the Sun and sometimes Mercury, we can think for sure structures that were given to that person.

On the contrary, if it is evil planets it can be expected as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto efforts or difficulties throughout the person’s life.

How do you know what your ascendant is?

When the Sun it passes through a constellation (it is in a certain sign) at that moment that sign ascends along with the Sun at dawn.

Each two hours approximately, there is a change of sign in the zodiacal order, but the ideal is to have recourse to a professional astrologer for the exact calculation and “adjustment” of the Upwardif necessary.

In general we know the “round” hour in which we were born, that is, only an approximation. But in Astrology, you have to know the exact time of birth For a correct evaluation of the Astral card.

What does the lunar sign mean in the astrological chart?

The moon sign is the sign of the zodiac in which the moon on Astral card.

It is, along with the sun sign and Ascendant, one of the key individual factors of the map why represents emotions, instincts, soul and memoryit is the feminine principle and is also associated with the mother, food, organs and functions of women.

Its location in the Astral card tells us about the childhood he was born in relationship with the mother or who represents him. But us too reveal what excites the personyour feelings and how you react to emotions.

Knowing the moon sign discovers us what he likes best and where the individual is most sensitive.

The moon runs between 12º and 15º throughout the day. To calculate its position it is necessary to have an ephemeris table or a table of planetary positions, or an astrology program for its exact calculation.

This must be done by an astrologer, but it is important that we know the sun sign is associated with the month of birth; the lunar sign, per day; and the Ascendant, per hour.

Who plays the Astral Card?

A big problem in astrology is, undoubtedly, the vast majority of those who call themselves astrologers, who have made sure that the public image of this discipline is regrettable.

And this is understandable, since a large number of people judge by what they find in the media and cannot believe that it is more than that.

Astrology is complex. Practicing it properly requires a lot: management of specialized software and, above all, a deep and in-depth knowledge of the subject and, like everything, years of practice. Astrology has art, the art of interpretation.

By Patricia Kesselman, astrologer and professor of astrology and tarot. On Instagram: @horoskopo.

Source: Clarin

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