America dodged an arrow

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You can postpone the move to Canada.

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You can skip the call to the New Zealand embassy about becoming a citizen there.

Tuesday’s election was indeed the most important test since the civil war to determine whether the engine of our constitutional system, our ability to transfer power peacefully and legitimately, remains intact.

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And it seems to have come, a little deteriorated, but it’s fine.

I’m not even close to being ready to give the green light yet, to declare that running to an election denial platform will never tempt another American politician.

But given the unprecedented degree to which the electoral denial In this medium term and the way several big-name brass knuckles who imitated Donald Trump and made denial at the center of their campaigns have been defeated, we may have dodged one of the biggest arrows ever aimed. at the heart of our democracy.

Of course, another arrow could point at us at any moment, but the entire US electoral system, in the red and blue states, seemed to work very well, almost ignoring the last two years of controversy, reducing it to what it has always been:

the shameful manufacture of a man and his most shameless flatterers and imitators.

Given the threat that Trump’s deniers pose to the acceptability and legitimacy of our elections, it’s a big deal (and hopefully it will last until the Arizona count).

It couldn’t come at a better time, like the leaders of

Source: Clarin

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