Japanese man undergoes surgery after inserting 2 meters of jump rope into his urethra

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A 79-year-old man was left stuck in his bladder after he inserted a 1.8-metre jump rope into his penis. The action had a painful effect and the old man found himself on the operating table.

According to the British Daily Mail newspaper, the event took place in Mibu, Japan and was revealed by the medical journal Urology Case Reports.

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The patient, whose name has not been released, began to experience severe pain while urinating. Since the pain did not subside, she decided to seek medical help.

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When doctors examined his bladder using an ultrasound scan, they saw that there was a large object wrapped around the organ. Then an X-ray scan revealed it was a 2.3m long jump rope.

Questioned by experts, the old man admitted to inserting a rope through his urethra. Doctors suspect that the intention was to satisfy sexual desires, although they did not explain why.

Professor Toshiki Kijima, lead author of the case report, stated that medical staff performed a CT scan to determine the best way to remove the string.

According to the professor, with the help of a computer program it was possible to create a 3D reconstruction of the rope, showing that the rope was too entangled in the old man’s penis to be pulled back.

2-metre string removed from Japanese man's bladder - Press Release/Urology Case Reports - Press Release/Urology Case Reports

2 meters of string taken from the bladder of a Japanese man

Image: Description/Urology Case Reports

However, the string got tangled when the bladder contracted, a natural process that occurs after expelling the stored urine. This forced doctors to surgically remove the cord through a small incision in the patient’s abdomen.

Doctors removed the object this way, preventing damage to the man’s urethra or bladder. After the surgery, the old man recovered quickly without any complications from the insertion or the surgery itself.

A similar case happened to a 15-year-old British boy who inserted a USB cable into his penis in November 2021. The joke had serious consequences, and the young man was hospitalized. According to the Science Direct website, he had stated that he only wanted to measure the size of his organ, but doctors believe the teenager was aiming for a sexual experience.

The cable not only got stuck inside the penis, it also made knots in the area of ​​the urethra. The situation was resolved by the doctors with surgery to remove the object from the area between the genitals and the anus. After the operation, the boy managed to fully recover.

17.11.2022 08:57

source: Noticias

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