Two employees of one of the most exclusive and private sex clubs in the United States have revealed the details of what goes on behind the scenes in the workplace.
According to women’s statements, what SNCTM is hiding is something similar to what is seen in Stanley Kubrick’s film Eyes tightly closedbut without mysteries or occultism.
Dinners, erotic shows, pool parties, masked balls, sexual fantasies. The club is a haven for sexual exploration.
How does SNC™ work?
Admission can cost up to $50,000 a year., but not everyone can participate in the festivities. You don’t need to have that money available in your account.
You can enter the club only if admitted. After submitting the application, the applicant must wait for an analysis of their reputation and whether it fits the “vibe” of the place.
Actors, media, athletes, millionaire businessmen, etc. They participate in the SNCTM. The idea of the authorities is that all personality types share the space.
“We intentionally set up the crowd to hold a mix of different types of guests,” a representative for SNCTM told Jam Press.
Once inside, cell phones are prohibited and a dress code must be observed.
What happens inside the club?
An SNCTM artist known as Jessica she told Jam Press that sometimes, for example, she chains herself to a VIP table dressed as a kitten or performs “virgin sacrifices” during role-playing games.
This type of performance accompanies the big event every evening, which is nothing more than an erotic show organized by Inca Snowlathe creative director of the club.
“When I first attended SNCTM as a guest, I felt like I walked into a movie set. The energy in the room was electric and I saw some of the most beautiful people in a room,” Jessica said.
In her early days at the club, the woman found guests “incredibly warm and open-minded”, making it “easy to connect with the subject of sexuality and kinks”.
Speaking of her work at SNCTM, Jessica specified: “I have participated in dominance and submission acts as well as girl and multiple partner acts. I have been a sacrificed virgin, a rabbit, a silver orchid, a black swan, a sacred deer and even a femme fatale, depending on the theme.”.
Haley Gracea performance artist from New York, said she puts on “an ambient dance show” each night and then indulges in “creative sex scenes on the main stage” with one or more partners.
“There is something about the attention to detail that goes into every event that makes me feel sacred, almost ritual,” Grace said. In this regard, one night, for example, she performed a bondage scene while a violinist played it live.
The SNCTM philosophy
SNCTM emerged in 2013 from the hand of damon lawn, in Los Angeles, and it took 4 years to get to New York. In California personalities like Bill Maher Y Gwyneth Paltrowwho were seen partying among naked performers.
Speaking with the New York Post, Lawner had assured that “the great goal of SNCTM is the eroticism of the human race”, since for him in sexual pleasure there is “a path to enlightenment”.
For her part, in the Jam Press interview, Jessica stressed that it’s not a “seedy” place.
“I think women tend to think events are saccharine. When done right, women control all the power in one room and have all the sexual agency, something we’re not taught in society,” the actor said.
Source: Clarin

Mark Jones is a world traveler and journalist for News Rebeat. With a curious mind and a love of adventure, Mark brings a unique perspective to the latest global events and provides in-depth and thought-provoking coverage of the world at large.