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She complained about back pain all day – the truth shocked her

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One day, to Sophia Burgess his back and shoulder began to ache. However, he didn’t mind at first. But after a few days, the pain not only did not subside, but became more acute.

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The parents took Sophia, now 12, to a physical therapist and a chiropractor several times, but sheThe girl’s suffering did not stop; And that’s not everyone’s concern.

And things got even worse. Sophia, who lives with her family in the town of Pensby, Merseyside, UK, has started to develop problems with posture and he fought to stay on his feet.

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Her mother, Heidi Burgess Cederholm, told reporters she was helping her daughter into a bathing suit when she first noticed it how bent his back was.

The woman found a scoliosis specialist and brought Sophie to him. The doctor did an x-ray where the problem was finally revealed: the girl’s spine it was curved at an 80 degree angle.

“It seems to have come out of the blue as there have been no recent changes in the way Sophie has been performing in recent months,” the mother told the echo of liverpool, and added that the specialists had informed him that Sophie had done it rapidly progressing scoliosis.

“The doctor said she had grown three inches in the last year and this can be very common, especially when girls are going through puberty. But can appear very quicklyalmost overnight, which is exactly how it was here,” the 42-year-old said.

“Anyway, that’s what he said it is very serious and could be very problematic, especially given his age and how he’s growing. which, she explained, is beyond the point of just having a guardian.”

“Lthe only option was surgeryas time is of the essence. If the curve starts to go any further, it can start to squeeze your lungs and heart. If it continues to grow and there’s no intervention, that’s what can happen,” she said in anguish.

Sophie, who loves horses and was a great rider until the pain started, he suffers greatly from the condition and gets winded easily.

The girl’s operation was scheduled for the end of June and now the family is raising money to help pay for the surgery.

The family’s idea is that he undergo the operation as soon as possible due to the risk of further bending the spine.

“You just don’t expect something like this to come out of nowhere and affect your child. But Sophie is positive and we have all hope for the future“, closed the mother.

Source: Clarin

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