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How to pray the prayer to San Miguel Archangel?

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From the moment we are born, Archangels connect us with Divinity. Also, his mission it is to accompany us in our own evolution and growthassisting us in the face of each of our problems and needs.

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The Bible, the Koran and Hinduism mention them: the Archangels are Miguel, Jofiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Rafael, Uriel and Zadkiel.

Each of them has its own clearly determined kingdom and protects us in a defined area of ​​our lives.

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How to invoke the Archangel St. Michael

The Archangel Michael is the most important of the Archangels. He is responsible for protecting us and giving us power and strength.

his day is Sundayits color is blue and we can invoke him in different ways to come to our aid.

Meditation. One way to ask for help is through meditation. The ideal is to do it right on your day, a Sunday. But if we need your help urgently, we can do it any other day.

we light one blue candlewe imagine ourselves surrounded by an aura of that color and we feel, for a few minutes, the protection shield that he Archangel Michael it is building around us and our possessions and/or close people. When we finish the meditation we affirm “So be it, so be it, so be it.”

Prayer of the 21 days. Another possibility we have is to repeat the prayer below for 21 days. In this case the ideal is to start on a Sunday, but if the order we have is urgent we can start on any day.

We light a blue candle, ask the Archangel Michael what we need – to protect ourselves, to remove dark and negative thoughts from our minds, to take care of someone we care about, to overcome barriers that prevent us from moving forward – and we are grateful: “So be it, so be it, so be it”.

How is the prayer to the Archangel St. Michael

O glorious Archangel Michael, prince and leader of the celestial armies, guardian and defender of souls, guardian of the Church, victor, terror and fright of the rebel infernal spirits.

We humbly beg you, deign to deliver from all evil those of us who rely on you with confidence; that your favor protect us, your strength defend us and that, through your incomparable protection, we advance more and more in the service of the Lord.

May your virtue strengthen us all the days of our lives, especially in the trance of death, so that, defended by your power from the infernal dragon and all its snares, when we leave this world we will be presented by you, free from all guilt before the Divine Majesty.


What is the function of each Archangel and how to invoke them

ARCHANGEL JOFIEL. He is the Archangel of intelligence, wisdom and enlightenment. You have to go to him for inspiration and focus. It is ideal to order before exams, tests or at times when an important decision needs to be made. Day to invoke it: Monday. Candle: orange.

ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL. He is the Archangel of love. It represents togetherness, comfort and pure bonds. Its mission is to help us develop understanding, patience, and tolerance with others. He is called to act to stimulate harmony in the couple, ask for love, stimulate relationships with friends and colleagues, protect from envy. Day to invoke it: Tuesday. Candle: rose.

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. His name means “God’s strength”. Associated with purity, the role of him is to delivery courier. Communication skills and clarity may be required to convey concepts and everything one intends to say to the other. Day to invoke it: Wednesday. Candle: white.

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. He is the Archangel of Health and the healing not only of the physical body but also of the spiritual one. You may be asked for your action to heal illnesses and problems of all kinds, calm great anxieties, and protect us and those we love in health. Day to invoke it: Thursday. Candle: green.

URIEL ARCHANGEL. He is the transforming angel, the one who gives strength in the face of complications. When summoned, it can be asked prosperity, abundance and economic tranquility. It also helps us in work difficulties. Day to invoke it: Friday. Candle: yellow (prosperity); red (work).

ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL. The angel of joy, freedom and diplomacy accompanies us in the transmutation of negative into positive. It is invoked to dissolve situations where there is no harmony, so that we can forgive and unblock things where progress is difficult. Day to invoke it: Saturday. Candle: viola.

Source: Clarin

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