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COVID: The 8 Warning Signs You May Have Coronavirus Without Knowing It

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In the midst of a new surge in infections, 27,119 new cases and 7 more deaths from the coronavirus have been reported in Argentina. The data comes from the health section published this Sunday by the Ministry of Health.

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The numbers -which reflect the reports presented by the provinces in the last week- they represent a 115% increase in the number of infections compared to last Sunday, when 12,609 were reported.

For this reason, in the midst of this context, infinite doubts arise, which with the help of doctors and other specialists can be resolved. Or, at least, get closer to certain “truths”.

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And among these is the possibility that a person has had Covid-19 and simply does not know it, since symptoms do not always appear.

From the Ministry of Health they explained that the variants circulating in Argentina are “Ómicron sublines”. They are “highly transmissible, replicate in the upper respiratory tract and carry mutations that cause them to escape the immune response.”

They added that while it decreases to “prevent infection,” vaccination effectiveness remains high for preventing serious conditions and mortality from these variants.

While the best way to know if you’ve had the virus is through a test, the following are 8 possible signs who can prove they were coronavirus carriers.

eye infections

Several previous investigations have confirmed that an eye infection such as conjunctivitis can be a symptom of Covid-19.

“It is recognized that any upper respiratory tract infection can result in viral conjunctivitis as a secondary complication, and this is also the case with Covid-19,” said the College of Optometrists. Mirror.

However, they point out that it is unlikely that a person has viral conjunctivitis secondary to Covid-19 no other symptoms of fever or continuous coughas conjunctivitis appears to be a late feature.

foggy brain

In those infected who have undergone the so-called “Long Covid”, brain fog has appeared frequently. Stories speak of experiencing it for months after having the virus.

It is one of the symptoms mentioned by people who are also struggling to get rid of the side effects up to a year later.

Dry cough

This is one of the more recognizable symptoms, but you have to be specific differentiate it from a typical cough.

The cough is usually new or different than if you usually have a smoker’s cough and it is persistent. Most of the time it will last at least half a day.

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of the coronavirus, along with fever and tiredness, although not all three appear simultaneously as a sign of infection. While SARS-CoV-2 disappears on average 36 days after the first symptoms appear, in the case of cough there are no studies confirming an exact duration.

High temperature

While the numbers vary, a rise in body temperature generally counts as a fever. once the temperature of 37.7°C is reached.

In any case, it must be considered that the fever accompanies a wide range of diseasesso by itself it is not a sufficient sign of coronavirus.

Fever is not a bad thing, but rather a symptom that our body has activated its immune system to defend itself against viruses or bacteria that are attacking it. When we have an infection, the body produces more heat (fever) for our defenses to fight it off.

Therefore, isolated fever is not a disease, but a response of our body to an infection or other pathology of greater or lesser importance; It is a natural defense of our body.

Difficulty catching your breath

If you start hearing the tight chest or difficulty breathing, you may have contracted the coronavirus. Though specialists warn that’s unlikely in young people or those without pre-existing health conditions.

The dyspneathe term for when someone has difficulty breathing, it can be accompanied by chest tightness, rapid breathing and heart palpitations.

In any case, it should be noted that shortness of breath can also be caused by factors such as a sedentary lifestyle or a panic or anxiety attack.

Stomach ache

As with a loss of appetite, enduring an upset stomach can easily pass as a sign of some other common situation in daily life.

However, a study by American Journal of Gastroenterology relates stomach problems to Covid-19.

They found that 48.5% of 204 people infected with the coronavirus in China’s Hubei province had it digestive symptoms such as diarrhea.

Loss of smell and taste

The British Ear Nose and Throat Association has recommended it before changes in smell and taste immediate isolation is recommended.

Scientific explanations point out that the coronavirus kills cells in the nose and throat. And that condition can extend even weeks after you get infected.

At the moment it is not known exactly how long the loss of taste and smell due to the coronavirus will last. According to a study published in the JAMA Network, approximately 80% of patients spontaneously regain their sense of smell and taste within four weeks. However, there are patients who suffer from anosmia for months, remaining a permanent sequel to Covid-19.

physical tiredness

At frequent symptoms such as colds or flu, and even more so at times when nervousness surfaces, tiredness or physical fatigue are evident.

Your doctor’s recommendations are for more rest. But feeling tired and unable to sleep due to coughing and shortness of breath can make it more difficult.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder that has manifested itself as a result of Covid-19 in many patients.

Source: Clarin

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