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What are the top 5 fruits to heal and cleanse the kidneys

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The kidneys are the organs in the body that are responsible filter toxins and waste found in the blood and then excreted in the urine.

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Every day the kidneys filter 200 liters of blood to produce some 2 liters of urine.

Therefore, its proper functioning is essential to maintain a good health. And in this sense maintain healthy habits ea natural diet it is advisable.

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Of course, we must keep in mind that before making any decision it is advisable consult with your doctorespecially if we take drugs that may have contraindications.

The function of the kidneys

As we have said, the kidneys perform the function of filtration of impurities. In that process, remove harmful substances through urine e reabsorb which can be reused by our body.

But they are also the responsible bodies produce hormones which regulate the blood pressureThey control the amount of Red blood cells and they are closely related cardiovascular health.

What are the best fruits to heal and cleanse the kidneys?

The kidneys and the heart they are very related. This is why to protect the kidney it is essential to keep cholesterol under control, one of the main cardiovascular risk factors.

And in this sense, in addition to a diet low in saturated fat, it is very important to include fruit in our daily menu.

These are The 5 fruits that most benefit the health of our kidneys.


Incorporating them into our meals will help keep our kidneys in good working order and our bladders clean. These tart-tasting berries help fight kidney stones and other urinary tract infections.

Is that its large amount of organic acids increases the acidity of the urine and prevents the proliferation of bacteria; while the flavonoids reduce the inflammation of the venous walls and prevent the microorganisms from adhering and multiplying.


For the most part, this fruit consists of water, which is why it is considered a great option to combat urinary problems. Watermelon has purifying and diuretic properties, since its high antioxidant content protects us from certain substances that are toxic to our kidneys, indicates the site


Thisfruit It is diuretic and the properties it contains also promote good kidney function. Plus, it’s rich in vitamin C and enzymes that help fight infection, stimulate digestion, and reduce the risk of kidney stones.


Apples are a great source of pectin, a soluble fiber that helps lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels, so they’re very healthy for our kidneys.


Oranges are rich in water, vitamins C and B, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. The presence of the latter helps the kidneys to perform their function well, indicates the site mentioned.

More tips for taking care of your kidneys

When it comes to eating a healthy diet for the health of our kidneys, in addition to including a good dose of fruits and vegetablesIt’s important reduce saturated fat and do not exceed the amount of protein what we eat

According to the WHO, it should only come from 10% to 15% of your daily calories protein. In this sense, it must be taken into account that red meat, whole milk products and eggs are foods rich in them.

To this we must add the reduction of the amount of salt we add to our meals, not smoking and drinking at least two liters of water a day.

Source: Clarin

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