Home World News Video: She pretended to be her 12-year-old daughter, met a pedophile and attacked him with two pit bulls

Video: She pretended to be her 12-year-old daughter, met a pedophile and attacked him with two pit bulls

Video: She pretended to be her 12-year-old daughter, met a pedophile and attacked him with two pit bulls

The father of a 12-year-old girl posed as his daughter to meet an alleged abuser, who had set up an online appointment with the minor. Arrived at the meeting place, the man threw two pit bulls at the pedophile with the clear intention of intimidating him. The dogs pounced on the rapist and inflicted several bites.

The video was shared on YouTube and Reddit. The description of the material reads: “A man arranges an online meeting with a 12-year-old girl. Upon arrival, he is greeted by the girls’ father and the family animals.”

There it is indicated that the attacker allegedly contacted the 12-year-old over the Internet, where some alleged harassers are hunting unsupervised boys or girls to make deceptive propositions.

The video is 23 seconds long and does not request police information about the allegations against the attacker, his identity, location or any other information that allows you to understand the context.

“Your daughter probably has social media of some sort and this attacker found her, messaged her and that led to this”; “I have no idea if the story is true, but if it is, I applaud the father’s actions. I have seen firsthand how these people can completely destroy lives,” were some of the comments on social media.

Crimes against sexual integrity

Crimes against sexual integrity are those that attack a person’s sexual freedom and will. These are sexual assaults that violate people’s integrity, privacy and identity.

Sexual abuse is violent sexual assault that violates a person’s sexual freedom and their right to choose the sexual activity they wish to engage in. If it is committed against a minor, it also affects her personal development in her sexuality.

Source: Clarin


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