When the dust created by the offensive in Brasilia by Bolsonaro’s coup plotters begins to clear, they come to light serious political problems. There is possible fan endorsement from the local governor, Ibanes Rocha, in what now appears to be a misguided attempt gone out of control, to win the favor of the Bolsonarists, the electoral majority in Brasilia.
This is one of the reasons for his court-ordered temporary dismissal on suspicion that he clearly approved of the offensive. also appears the haunting weak action of the brand new Defense Minister José Mucioto mobilize military forces, and who had defended the camps of the coup plotters in front of the barracks as “democratic”.
The senior official “He’s on the bench” warned this Monday from the pinnacle of power of Lula da Silva.
affect the government
In the PT there are many lines that intersect around this very serious episode. They understand that, apart from their coup status, “what seems clear is that their promoters what they are looking for is to influence the new government”, tells clarion An officer.
In the last hours of Sunday, when even the Bolsonarists resisted the police repression, the judge of the Supreme Court, Alexander de Moraes, temporarily fired Governor Rocha for 90 days.
In a long letter, the magistrate underlined that the violent escalation against the buildings of the presidency, Parliament and justice “could only take place with consent, and also actual participationof the competent authorities in charge of the public safety and intelligence.
At this point the Brazilian media reported the existence of this political maneuver by the president which would explain, even if only in part, the reason why local security did nothing to contain the attacking horde.
“His position was unacceptable. If the subordinates don’t act, the boss has to do it”, repudiated the vice president of the Venetian Senate Vital do Rego, who is a leader of the Mdb, a party allied with the government. The newspaper state described an even more complex picture this Monday.
“The other governors attribute Ibaneis’ conduct to a clumsy attempt to win over Bolsonaro’s electorate. He tried to take advantage of it and ended up getting complicated.”says one of them quoted by that newspaper.
Simply put, the official he would have known in advance what would happen in Brasilia and gave the green light. This background, which would confirm that too It wasn’t just a spontaneous rebellionhe is the one who moved the hand of judge De Moraes.
The magistrate, with a historical rivalry with Bolsonarism, managed the electoral justice in the October elections, defending the electronic voting system from the doubts and suspicions of fraud that were unleashed by the outgoing president’s faction.
It also emerged that during Sunday’s events, Rocha government officials they accompanied the putschists to emptied two ministriesand was clearly seen in the videos as the local police he kept his distancehe took pictures with the rioters and talked quietly with them while others destroyed buildings.
A Bolsonarist in the cabinet of the capital
There is one more element in this composition. Rocha, who belongs to the same party as the vice president of the Senate, protected a prominent Bolsonaro member in his cabinet. Anderson Torreswho was in charge of the Public Security of the capital Brazilian.
At the time of the attacks, this individual suggestively it was in orlando on vacation, the city where former president Jair Bolsonaro settled. When everything was getting out of hand, Governor Rocha fired Torres, who insists he has not met the former president, but distrust of his word is total.
On the PT, and in general on the entire Brazilian press, it does not escape the fact that the format of the attack in Brazil was almost a copy of the invasion of the Trumpist militia in the attempted coup of January 6, 2021 in the Capitol.
Similarities that would point again some kind of coordination. Among Bolsonaro’s allies there are winners who were behind that barbarism in Washington.
There are other facts that support these theories. There was numerous buses with Bolsonaro’s militias who went to Brasilia on Sunday to join the offensive. They were there at the same time pickets on the main routes from Mato Grosso, Paraná, Santa Catarina and São Paulo.
They were the same procedures used by the truck drivers allied with the former president who, after the electoral defeat, blocked the highways of almost the whole country asking military intervention to prevent the hiring of Lula da Silva. In the government they watch with enormous distrust of Bolsonaro and they believe in their departure from these events.
The other side of what’s emerging is the role played by the defense minister and the so-called Institutional Security Office (GSI, in Portuguese), which is the structure that must defend the presidential headquarters.
Defense Minister under suspicion
That dependency is headed by General Marcos Edson Goncalves Dias and has literally done nothing to protect the installations of the Brazilian executive. That’s where the weapons were also stolen. This attitude is combined with the suspicious delay of the Chief of Defense to move the military and avoid the havoc.
The Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, who distanced himself from his colleague Múcio, encouraged that “there is a contingent dedicated to the protection of the Presidency of the Republic, the facts show that this contingent has not acted, and why it did the non-deed is the subject of an investigation which must be specific to the GSI and the Ministry of Defence. I want to believe that this investigation will take place.”
It so happens that Múcio had very complicated attitudes. On the day of his inauguration, last January 2, he recalled Folha de São Paulo, the new minister scandalized many of his relatives by stating that the anti-democratic demonstrations in front of the barracks “are democratic”.
I say this with great authority because I have family and friends there it is a manifestation of democracy,” he insisted to reporters. So, now in the PT they claim that the minister “He’s on the bench”possibly outgoing.
In this sense, government sources and sectors of the hard core of the PT indicate it a strong purge at all levels regain clear control and dissolve the “fifth columns”. In that mandate they include this minister and the governor of Brasilia, but also military and police leaders.
But there is no immediate clarity on the matter How will this “cleansing” take place?. The risk is that it will unleash pressure from the PT hawks to try to homogenize Lula da Silva’s large cabinet of 37 ministers, where there are strong right-wing blocks and that the president is not willing to change.
Source: Clarin

Mark Jones is a world traveler and journalist for News Rebeat. With a curious mind and a love of adventure, Mark brings a unique perspective to the latest global events and provides in-depth and thought-provoking coverage of the world at large.