Hyperthyroidism: symptoms, causes and how to treat thyroid problems

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The hyperthyroidism It groups ailments that occur with an excess of thyroid hormone in the body and is common in men and women of different ages.

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According to the Clínica de Navarra University, Spain, the most common cause is Graves Basedowwhose origin is autoimmune. It is the body itself that generates antibodies that stimulate the gland synthesize more thyroid hormones.

In hyperthyroidism, the appearance of the classic symptoms, Together with the appearance of the goiter, it creates the diagnostic suspicion which is confirmed with the determination of the thyroid hormones. (T4 and T3) in the blood which should be elevated.

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What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism

The symptoms are due to the acceleration of the body’s functions.

Excessive nervousness, insomnia, palpitations, unexplained tirednesssweating easily, poor heat tolerance, hand trembling, weight loss despite coexisting with increased appetite and diarrhea are classic manifestations of hyperthyroidism.

Also, in women there are menstrual disorders.

It can occur in the elderly the so-called apathetic hyperthyroidismin which the symptoms are very mild and sometimes only sIt is manifested by heart rhythm disturbances.

When googly eyes are paired the probability that it is a disease Graves-Basedow it is very tall.

If the goiter becomes large, it can produce symptoms of compression in the neck such as a feeling of pressure, difficulty swallowing food, or hoarseness.

The most common symptoms

  • Excessive nervousness.
  • Insomnia, palpitations.
  • Unexplained tiredness.
  • Sweats easily, poor heat tolerance.
  • Hand tremor.
  • Weight loss and diarrhea.

What are the causes of hyperthyroidism?

There are different types of hyperthyroidism. Almost all are due to excessive formation of thyroid hormones. That is why, in the overwhelming majority of them, the size of the thyroid gland is increased, that is, in addition to hyperthyroidism, there is a goiter.

The goiter is seen as an increase in the volume of the anterior region of the neck. The most frequent hyperthyroidisms are those due to diffuse goiter (Graves-Basedow disease) and nodular goiter.

In the first case, the cause is related to the presence of thyroid-stimulating antibodies which, in addition to stimulating the thyroid gland to produce large amounts of thyroid hormones, is more common in young people and can lead to bulging eyes (exophthalmos) and swelling of the front of the legs (myxedema).

This particular type is known as the disease Graves-Basedow and is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.

Nodular goiters (for an unknown reason, some areas of the thyroidbegins to produce more hormones than normal) have a rough surface and hyperthyroidism in these cases occurs more frequently in older people.

In other cases hyperthyroidism is due to inflammation of the gland, which can be very painfuland gives rise to the release of thyroid hormones due to the breakdown of the cells that contain them.

These processes are called thyroiditis, They are believed to be caused by a viral infection and are often accompanied by fever and malaise. Taking thyroid hormone pills can also cause hyperthyroidism.

Source: Clarin

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