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Assault on power in Brazil: Government reveals actions of ‘trained professionals’

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The federal security inspector of Brasilia, Ricardo Cappelli, denounced that in the assault by Bolsonaro’s hordes against the powers of the state in the country’s capital on January 8, the Military Police faced “professional” and “trained” attackers. who were among the protesters.

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In parallel, the federal police announced the arrest in the state of Rio de Janeiro on Monday morning a person suspected of organizing and financing the coup in Brasilia.

“Many heroes avoided the worst. Wounded PMs (military police) claim they were ‘fighting professionals’. Corporate funding? Battlefield trained crooks? A real criminal organization. The night of the 8th It’s not over yet. Let’s go all the way,” Cappelli, appointed intervener after the attacks, tweeted on Sunday evening.

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According to the official, “among the demonstrators were professional men, trained and prepared people who he had notions of shock tactics, what did he have their teams to return grenades and that he nearly killed a policeman.”

It is time to “separate the chaff from the wheat” and punish all those agents who were “accomplices” in the attempts of that mafia coup, the inspector also said during the Fantástico broadcast of the Brazilian network Globo, according to the news agency. Europe print.

Cappelli underlined it 44 police officers were injured in the skirmishes of Brasilia.

“The 8th isn’t over yet. That night still has a lot of things behind it, a lot of history behind it, a lot of research and we’ll take it to the end,” said Cappelli.


The federal police said in a statement that “one person was arrested in Campos dos Goytacazes (Rio de Janeiro)” and who is serving five other search and seizure warrants for documents, as well as three temporary detention orders, Sputnik news agency reported.

The arrest occurs in the context of the “Operation Ulysses”, which investigates local leaders who blocked the streets of Campos dos Goytacazes after the elections in which former president Jair Bolsonaro was defeated.

Even trying to know who organized the demonstrations in front of the army headquarters in the city and if these people were also behind the caravans that left Rio de Janeiro to participate in the attempted coup in Brasilia on 8 January.

That day, Thousands of Bolsonaristas arrived from all over Brazil they violently invaded the buildings of the National Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace.

Suspects are accused of conspiracy, subversion of the rule of law and incitement to the Armed Forces against the constitutional powers.

After the serious incidents, Lula ordered the intervention of Brasilia, a magistrate of the Court suspended the governor of the capital, Ibaneis Rocha, and two days ago Anderson Torres, who was Jair Bolsonaro’s Minister of Justice, was arrested upon his return in the country ., and was the security secretary of Brasilia when the incidents broke out, only then did he go to Orlando, where the former president is at the moment.



Source: Clarin

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