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The recipe with ginger and honey to stop snoring

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Snoring is a very common sleep problem that can affect the quality of life of both the person who suffers from it and those who live with it.

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The good news is that to mitigate or eliminate them i Natural recipes can have good results.

Among the options present in this segment, the Better With Health website recommend a drink based on ginger and honey.

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The natural remedy for snoring

How to prepare it?


– 1 piece of ginger.

– 1 cup of water (100ml).

– Peel of an apple.

– 1 teaspoon of honey (5 g). It can be removed. Although it will enhance the effect and provide essential nutrients.


– Wash and cut the ginger into slices.

– Bring the water to a boil and when it reaches boiling point, add the ginger and apple peels.

– Cook with the container covered for about ten minutes.

– Turn off the heat and let it rest for a few minutes, without removing the lid.

– Ideally, consume it one or two hours before going to sleep.

Habits that prevent snoring

Furthermore, to obtain better results, the same note recommends changing some habits and taking into account some precautions.

– Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages

Among other effects, they relax the throat muscles too much. According to the Mejor con Salud note, this generates a flow of air which causes that annoying sound. Also, one cannot fail to mention that they affect the central nervous system.

– Smoking prohibited

Snoring is very frequent both in smokers and in those who are passive (this is the name given to those who are in frequent contact with smoke generated by smokers). The reason is linked to the substances that cigarette smoke releases and which act on the respiratory tract.

– Get regular exercise

Along the same note, physical activity that is appropriate for each person improves heart activity and respiration. What influence remain.

– Have a light and early dinner

One recommendation it is eat at least three hours before bedtime. Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid dairy products, which increase the formation of mucus in the throat. It is also not recommended to eat red meat at night, as it takes a long time to digest.

– Use a firm pillow

A slightly elevated head decreases the chances of snoring.

Source: Clarin

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