Hypertension –high blood pressureIt is a serious condition that significantly increases the risk of heart disease, encephalopathy, kidney disease and other diseases.
According to data from the World Health Organization, it is estimated that there are 1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 with hypertension. Also, emphasizes the organization, is one of leading causes of premature death but it is diagnosed and treated less than half of adults who present it (only 42%).
What is hypertension
Hypertension it’s a frequent disturbance in which the force exerted by blood against artery walls over time it is enough high that they can cause various health problems, such as heart disease, among others, details the Mayo Clinic.
The blood pressure it is determined by both amount of blood pumped by the heart regarding the degree of resistance to blood flow in the arteries. So the more blood you pump and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.
When talking about blood pressure, two values are mentioned. The first is the systolic blood pressure and corresponds to the moment in which the heart contracts or beats. The second, the diastolic blood pressurerepresents the pressure exerted on the vessels when the heart relaxes between beats.
To set the diagnosis of hypertension it is necessary to measure the pressure for two different daysadvises WHO. In both readings, systolic blood pressure should be greater than (or equal to). 140mmHg and the diastolic greater (or equal) to 90mmHg.
Hypertension: what are the risk factors?
On the one hand there are risk factors that cannot be changedsuch as a family history of high blood pressure, age (over 65), and co-occurrence of other diseases, such as diabetes or kidney disease.
However, there is also risk factors that can be modified, changing habits and customs. These include the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight or obese, excessive salt consumption and a diet high in fat and low in fruit and vegetables.
Yes, what we eat is essential for not having high blood pressure. Here is a guide with the main foods to avoid.
What foods raise blood pressure?
1-Table salt. Too much sodium can cause the body to retain fluids, which raises blood pressure, notes the Mayo Clinic on its site. In this case it can be replaced by seasonings such as natural herbs or spices.
2-White sugar. In this case it is an easily assimilable hydrate not recommended for those suffering from hypertension. Instead, it is recommended to sweeten with sugar-free sweeteners.
3-sausages. Sausages (sausages, chorizos, longanizas, salami, etc.) are another prohibited food for hypertensives. Is that the process that is usually followed to pickle and prepare them includes a large amount of salt and saturated fat.
4- Whole milk products. Milk, cheese and yogurt are good sources of minerals like calcium and magnesium, but they also contain saturated fat and salt, which raise blood pressure. The best option is to consume the skimmed version.
5- Red meat. Although it is a food rich in iron, it is also rich in saturated fat, so it is advisable for hypertensives to reduce its consumption or avoid it altogether.
Source: Clarin

Mark Jones is a world traveler and journalist for News Rebeat. With a curious mind and a love of adventure, Mark brings a unique perspective to the latest global events and provides in-depth and thought-provoking coverage of the world at large.