Home World News Clogged ears: why it happens and what to do to fix it

Clogged ears: why it happens and what to do to fix it

Clogged ears: why it happens and what to do to fix it

Feeling like your ears are filled up is not uncommon. While it is true that some are more likely than others to suffer from it, almost all of us have suffered from it at one time or another. As annoying as it is painful, among other things, clogged ears can also affect hearing and balance.

After swimming in the pool, traveling mountain roads or traveling by plane – especially during takeoffs and landings – it is not strange to experience this feeling due to the pressure changes.

It is important to emphasize at this point that in general this condition is not serious although it really can be uncomfortable.

However, when the feeling of having the clogged ears occurs with other symptoms – such as fever or persistent pain – it could be a sign of a more serious condition. In this case, you need to go to a doctor’s consultation.

Why do our ears feel clogged? Main causes

The feeling of clogged ears is almost always the result of Eustachian tube obstruction. This is responsible for the communication of the middle ear with the posterior region of the nose. This way, it equalizes and balances the pressures between the environment and the inside of the ear, she explains better with health.

Below is a detail of the main causes.

1-Water in the ears

When you take a shower, dive into a pool, or swim in a river or sea, water can enter your ear canal. It usually goes in and out easily, without causing any discomfort. However, in some cases the drops can get trapped and cause discomfort, the site cited. Water is usually released naturally by pressure and head movements.

2-Travel by plane

“Ear barotrauma is pressure on the eardrum that occurs when the air pressure in the middle ear and ambient air pressure are out of balance,” they explain on the Mayo Clinic website.

What happens is that when the plane takes off, the air pressure outside the ear decreases. This means that the air inside the ear “pushes” outward, i.e. towards the eardrum. when landinstead, the air pressure increases. Thus, it happens that the eardrum is as if “sucked” in, the details Widex.cl.

This can be avoided by using earplugs, yawning or chewing gum during takeoff and landing.

3-Congestion, cold or flu

When congestion, cold or flu symptoms occur, the ear may become blocked while the nose becomes blocked due to the presence of secretions. This prevents air circulation and increases pressure in the ear.

The solution is to unclog the nasal passages with steam or warm drinks.


Otitis media is an ear infection and inflammation better with health. In this sense, the most common form is otitis media, which is the result of blockage of the Eustachian tube, the tube that extends between the middle ear and the pharynx, which normally regulates the pressure in the ear around the eardrum.

In this case, it is essential to consult your doctor to determine the appropriate treatment.

5-Accumulation of earwax

The external ear canal is lined with hair follicles and glands that produce a waxy oil called earwax. Usually, the wax works its way to the ear opening and once there, it either falls out or is washed away, she says. MedlinePlus.

However, despite being liquid, it can be mixed with other substances, such as dead cells or dust, and solidify. In these cases it can accumulate, block the external auditory canal and give a sensation of blocked ears.

Faced with this picture, it is also important to consult your doctor and decide on the appropriate treatment.

Source: Clarin


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