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Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro asks the electoral justice to ignore a decree that sought to cancel the elections

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the brazilian Jair Bolsonaro asked the electoral judiciary to ignore the draft decree it proposed in its investigations into the October presidential campaign an election review and that she was found at the home of her former justice minister.

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The draft of the presidential decree of 2022 “It was never published, nor would it be”justified the defense of the former far-right president in a response sent Thursday to the electoral justice.

The defense argues that the document “is apocryphalnever left the private residence of third parties, it was not published or advertised (…) never went beyond the level of cogitation”.

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The Supreme Electoral Tribunal is investigating whether the former president abused political power during his presidential campaign in October.

The court had given Bolsonaro three days to explain the document that police found last week at the home of his former justice minister, Anderson Torres, during a search.

Bolsonaro, who has questioned Brazil’s electoral system for years, was defeated by leftist leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva by a margin of 1.8%, and so far he has not verbally acknowledged the triumph of his arch-rival.

The document found in the home of Torres, detained and under investigation for the attack in Brasilia on January 8, provided federal control of the Supreme Electoral Court, responsible for elections.

He established that his functions were assumed by a commission of 17 members, 8 of whom were military.

“Defense State”

The decree would have the aim of guaranteeing its conservation and immediate existence restoration of transparency and fairness in the electoral process presidential election of 2022″.

The document, a formal decree of the Executive, sought to impose what is called in Brazil “Defense State” at the headquarters of the Higher Electoral Tribunal, commanded by magistrate Alexandre de Moraes, a judge whom Bolsonaro attacked during his four-year term.

Provided for by the Constitution, the function of this device is “to preserve or promptly restore public order or social peace”, when they are “threatened by serious and imminent institutional disruption or affected by natural disasters of great magnitude”.

Moreover enable site status and federal intervention, the state of defense is characterized by a situation of circumstantial limitation of the constituent power and authorizes the restriction of fundamental rights.

The current Minister of Justice, Flavio Dino, said the draft It is “a link in the coup chain”and which “shows the true scope of the events of January 8”.

Bolsonaro, also under investigation for the violent invasion of public authority offices, traveled to the United States before the end of his mandate and the January 1st transmission of command ceremony.

Clarín writing with information from AFP


Source: Clarin

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