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Video: A pastor kicked parishioners out of church for not tithing him

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One pastor effusively confronted his parishioners about tithing And it was all recorded in a video that has already amassed 2 million views on TikTok.

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In one of the three videos posted by the @caef29 account of the episode, the head of a Christian church is seen railing against the faithful apparently for not wanting (or not being able) to pay him.

It is worth remembering that tithing is a donation to the church by some parishioners which corresponds to one tenth of their income.

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“You signed up and your 101 class clearly says the pastor has authority, read it, it says it plainly, I’m the pastor,” exclaimed the spiritual leader as the others protested and gradually walked away.

In a second video, the pastor’s wife rudely asks parishioners not to talk to her. Finally, as seen in a third clip, the faithful withdrew amid protests and with the presence of the police.

The reactions

There are not many details on the case, but in the comments on TikTok many users have tried to clarify.

On the one hand, the account that shared the videos ensures that the pastor called the police. Indeed, in one of the clips we see an agent calming the crowd.

“The pastor bought the temple with congregation money, but put it under the names of his son, his wife, and himself. When they claimed it, the police kicked them out,” reads one of @caef29’s videos.

“The pastor kicked out a parishioner who couldn’t pay tithing because he didn’t have a job and people rioted, he ended up losing his entire membership,” said one user. “That’s not a pastor, he’s a dictator,” added another.

“My wife and I are pastors, not only do we not receive paychecks and don’t count offerings, but tithes and offerings are also not an obligation,” another person wrote.

tithing for protection

At the start of the pandemic in 2020, a pastor led a similar tithing controversy. In that case, the leader of the church of Ríos de Vida, Miguel Arrázola, generated a strong controversy by posting a video in which he invited his faithful to continue tithing to remain protected.

Known as the “Pastor of the No”, for being one of the most important promoters of the opposition campaign for the plebiscite for peace, he once again raised the fuss in the midst of the crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine.

Live, through his networks, he has published a video in which he is seen with his wife, María Paula, inviting his followers to “continue to give our tithes and offerings. Always offer to the Lord”.

The video immediately generated a strong controversy among many who questioned the motives of the parish priest, who seemed more concerned about money than the spiritual well-being of his faithful.

To respond to all the criticisms received, Arrázola limited himself to posting a list on his Facebook discriminating against donations made by his church.

Source: Clarin

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