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The 1 dollar bill that can be worth 53 million: what is it like?

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Certain dollar bills can have such extraordinary prices that they are even difficult to measure. Within this group, there is a specimen that is the most valuable object of collectors.

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These are dollar bills that can be quoted at 53 million.

In this case, the distinguishing point is that they have a particularity in their design.

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As the note on the Terra website explains, the peculiarity of these real “lucky charms” is that the upper right part is completely white. That is, without any drawing or stamp.

Also, to reach this quote the pieces must be in the best state of conservation. To the point that they look flawless.

How to know the value of a ticket

Beyond this very particular case, there are some models that are common to banknotes sought after by collectors and which can have an attractive price.

They must have one outstanding and hard to find feature. These rarities are given by a particular serial number, a printing error, the date of issue (associated with a historical moment), among other characteristics.

– His condition must be impeccable. This point is essential to determine the price on the market.

When you have a ticket that has a particular one at a glance, the recommendation is to consult several collectors, to check its resale value and avoid scams.

Source: Clarin

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