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He has placed hideous mannequins in his garden to take revenge on his annoying neighbors

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a woman of Michigan she had grown tired of having neighbors who lived to spy on her in her backyard and decided to get her revenge on them, decking out her backyard with creepy mannequins dressed as “drug-addicted prostitutes, drunks and accident victims” so that prying eyes would have something to look at.

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They’re becoming photos of his efficient security system to keep onlookers away viral while fans praise his ingenious method of revenge.

“I prepare poses and laugh,” she said Tammy Zunigafrom Flint, north of Detroit, to the Kennedy News about his hilarious hobby.

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In fact, this 45-year-old nurse’s backyard is filled with passed out drunks, decked out with empty beer bottles, and “dirty whores” scantily clad women posing next to signs warning people not to give them drugs and other obscene messages.

In a humorous scene, there is a victim of a ladder accident lying high on its roof next to a cowboy hat with stars, on a postcard like it was taken from a nuclear test town.

Zuniga is mother of two children and started building her evil mannequins two years ago as a distraction, even though she was really after something else: “I wanted to stop being irritated with my nosy neighbors, who never stopped spying on me,” she said.

“I paint garden art in my garage as a hobby, and every time I went inside I saw the shutters move from my neighbors who kept looking at me and taking pictures,” she said. In addition to this, the woman says that they too required her to paint with the door closed, a request that she the artist considered ridiculous. Then the tensions started and decided to act with his mannequins.

“The first I did was a woman on the porch, wearing a sweater,” Zuñiga described, “the neighbors were very intrigued. I heard noises outside and looked out my window. In fact, they were all out there watching”. Next, hung a doll in his garage for a month Total. The scene was so real that people stopped their cars on his block “because they thought someone needed help.”

“I try to keep a straight face at all times“Zúñiga mused. “I guess if the neighbors think I’m crazy, they’ll stop bothering me.”

And apparently her strategy is paying off: “The neighbors don’t talk to me much anymore, which is really nice. They probably think I’m the weird ‘dummy woman’ now. Every time I see them outside, I hear the need to make new mannequin dolls. I’m excited to see them now.”

The mannequin expert, for her part, says she’s having a lot of fun with the gag, describing: “The really bad thing is that now I’m taking every opportunity. Every time I see them outside, I feel the need to assemble the mannequins. I’m excited to see them now, it amuses me: it is they who now have to put up with me.”

His crazy idea is currently exploding in the social networks. “Or I shared it with a group on Facebook and I wasn’t even sure if it would be approved, because it can seem potentially offensive,” said Zúñiga. “I don’t find it offensive, I find it funny. It’s weird. It’s not like they’re in full view of kids getting off at the bus stop.”

Source: Clarin

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