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Tour of Africa: with a special entourage, Pope Francis has arrived in South Sudan, the youngest country in the world

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Pope Francis arrived this Friday at Southern Sudanthe youngest country in the world, to promote peace and reconciliation, after his visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

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Starting this Friday and for three days, Francis will undertake a “pilgrimage of peace” in South Sudan, a country listed among the poorest on the planet and is ravaged by a civil war.

Before flying to Juba, the capital of South Sudan, Francis addressed the Congolese bishops in the capital Kinshasa.

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There he asked them not to limit themselves to “political action” and to concentrate on the people, in a country where the Catholic Church traditionally acts as a counter-power.

in Juba, the streets began to fill with people hours before the pope’s arrival. Many carried banners welcoming Francis.

To accompany the 86-year-old Argentine pontiff the heads of the Churches of England and Scotland, representatives of the other two Christian confessions of that country of 12 million inhabitants.

The three religious leaders was involved firsthand in the peace process, despite the fact that leaders have turned a deaf ear to calls for reconciliation.


Source: Clarin

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